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A month had passed since the conversation in the kitchen. During this time, the Marauders and Diane had become markedly close. They have become one - inseparable and indestructible. Diane never told her friends about her problems with family and classmates. She didn't want to burden them.

Christmas was coming, which meant Diane' birthday was coming up too. Diana openly hated her birthday because she was born on January 1st. On that day, everyone was celebrating Christmas and giving each other gifts, unaware that anyone had a birthday. And this "anyone" was Diane.

The day before Christmas, Diane met Lily at the library.

"Hey, Diane! What are you doing here?".

"I'm looking for my book of Charms. I studied yesterday and I'm sure I left it here. And what are you doing here?".

"Well, January 3rd is Sev's birthday. And I don't know what to give".

"And you came to the Library?" Diane laughed.

"Oh... um....yeah".

"Ugh, Lily, you are hopeless!".

"No, I can give presents! It's just that in Severus's case, it's harder, you know..." Lily said.

"Come on, Lily, you came to the library to figure out what to get a friend for his birthday! That proves otherwise, you know" Diane kept looking for the book, but Lily went after her.

"I'll prove to you that I can give gifts! Just tell me when your birthday is!".

And Diane told her.

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