Chapter 14

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"What are we watching?" I ask as I sit down on the couch between Adaline and Katherine. I will have to get my stuff from the hotel tomorrow, but I don't even mind because it means that I'm moving in with my girls.

"Toy Story." Katherine says and rolls her eyes.

"Haven't you watched that already?" I ask Adaline.

"I like watching again." She says and I laugh. They both look at me and I laugh harder.

"She is really your daughter." I chuckle looking at Katherine and a smile appears on her face.

"Let's watch cars, I bet that would be more interesting for all of us." I suggest and Katherine says "yes!", at the same time Adaline says "yaaay!" God, thank you.

When the movie starts, I notice Katherine mouthing the lines. I already knew that she watched this movie a thousand times so it's no surprise. Then she starts to sing the song in the beginning of the movie and Adaline laughs as Katherine makes faces and starts to dance with her.

I'm American made, Bud Light, Chevrolet

My mama taught me wrong from right

I was born in the south

Sometimes I have a big mouth

When I see something that I don't like

I gotta say it

I laugh as the girls dance and then they plop down onto the couch breathing heavily. I realise that it's Katherine's favourite animation as she sings along to the songs and when the John Mayer song starts to play, she literally jumps up and down like a little kid.

Well it winds from Chicago to LA

More than two thousands miles all the way

Get your kicks on Route 66

"Are you going to be able to sleep?" I ask Adaline as I tuck her in.

"Yes, daddy." She says with her sweet little voice. I kiss her on the forehead and switch off her lights before walking out of her room and heading into the bedroom.

"Babe, you alright?" I ask Katherine as I walk in. She's laying on the bed with her eyes closed and her arm over her forehead.


"You're not feeling good, huh?" I ask as I take a seat on the edge of the bed. She shakes her head and holds onto her stomach.

"I swear it's because of all the jumping. I was feeling fine before." She groans.

"Do you want me to get you some painkillers?"

"Nah, I won't be able to sleep if I take them." She says, but stands up from the bed and heads into the bathroom. If only I knew what to do to help her.

I lay down on the bed and a moment later she joins me and lays her head on my chest, holding onto me. I kiss her on top of her head and wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly. I never want to let her go. If only we could stay like this forever.

She pulls away a little and switches off the last light in the room, which was the lamp on the nightstand and then lays back down on my chest.



"Why didn't you have a period when we were together before?"

"I was on birth control." Well that explains it.

"Are you going to get the shots again?" I don't want to push her into getting on birth control, but I can't always carry around the condoms. Not to mention that I missed her, I missed the feeling of being inside her without the barrier.

"I don't know. I could, just to not to get these stupid periods. But the shots mess up with my hormones." She looks up at me, "I don't like the condoms either, but I really don't want to use anything."

"It's okay baby. You don't have to." I say and kiss her on the lips before she lays back down. If those things somehow affect her badly then I much rather do it with the condom.



"I have an idea, but I don't know if you'll be okay with that." She says. I take her chin between my fingers and she looks at me.

"What is it?" I feel like something is wrong.

But she proves me wrong when she smirks at me, "If we have sex right now, we won't need a condom."

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me that before?" She starts to laugh, but I don't waste my time and turn us around and pin her under me.

"I wanted to feel you so badly..." I say into her ear and slowly kiss her neck. She's already panting. "I wouldn't even care if I had to pull out." That would be hard, but it's still better than nothing.

"Good thing that you don't have to." She says, her voice completely changed into a seductive moan.

"How soundproof is this room?"

"How the fuck would I know." She says and presses her lips into my shoulder.

"Fuck," I look into her eyes. "I want to make you scream."

"Do it." She says. Before I can think of a way to slam into her hard, but without making too much noise, we both undress and I take in the beauty in front of me.

"God, you're gorgeous." I say and press my lips to hers. Her tongue runs along with mine perfectly and I catch her moans as I rub myself against her. "And sexy." I say at last, before entering her.

Fuck... it's the best feeling in the world. She is so warm, so wet. The idea of actually coming inside of her turns me on even more.

"I love you." She moans as I kiss her on the chest.

"I love you baby." Her hands lace through my hair as I try my best to give her all of me and preferably not finish before her, because it feels too good.

I place my fingers on her spot and start to rub them, even louder moans escape her and I press my mouth to her, to muffle her sounds.

Her hips move with mine and I feel how her body tenses and how she reaches her high under me. I catch her moans with my mouth and finish myself, giving all of me.

"Fuck baby... you're amazing." I tell her as I try to catch my breath.

"It's been a while." She says as she smiles.

"What's been a while?"

"This. The skin to skin feeling. I've missed it." She looks genuinely happy right now as she looks into my eyes with adoration. I kiss her softly, trying to say more with my kiss then with words. Showing how much I love her by pulling our chests together.

"I have to use the bathroom." She says and I finally get off her by laying down on my back. "Shit." She says as she looks at the sheets. They now have blood stains on them. "You should probably take a shower too."

I look at the bloody sheets again and then follow her into the shower.

"I feel like I've been with a virgin for the first time." I say and she scowls at me.


"You know... the bloody sheets. We never had that." She rolls her eyes and steps under the water. I watch her as she lets her hair soak with water and then as she washes her body with a washcloth. This might be a very good moment. I take her completely off guard when I pull her to me, turn her around and grab her thighs pulling her up to my waist before slamming her back to the wall.

"Fuck. Chris..." She moans as I rub my fingers over her spot but then enter her abruptly and this time I don't go gentle with her. But make sure that I slam into her, deeper and deeper. Because this time she can make as loud sounds as she likes. 

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