Chapter 5

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As I drive back to the hotel. I try to process what just happened. In just one moment I became a dad of a four year old. I can't believe this. The thing that I always wanted is actually here, it's actually true. I have a daughter that looks just like me, but sounds just as sweet as her mother. How is this even possible? How did this happen? I'm the luckiest guy in the world that it happened.

I sit down on the couch of my small room, completely as a different person than I was two days ago. Two days ago I wasn't even here mentally, only physically. My head was in the past, reliving every good, even bad moment that I had with her. I just can't help the anger that is forming inside of me, because she didn't let me see her first moments. Her first seconds on this earth, her first smile, first moves, first words. I didn't see any of it.

But I also can't deny that she was in pain all this time. She was so heartbroken and devastated, thinking that I cheated on her. Which I know that she wouldn't have believed if only she didn't get to see with her own eyes.

You weren't around when I spent two weeks in a hospital thinking that I could lose her. You weren't around when I almost died giving birth to her...

She said to me, I have to know what happened, how it was for her. I wish I could've been there for her.

I drive to their house the next day. I don't know if she'll invite me in or not, so I just ring the bell and step away a little.

"Hi." Katherine opens the door with a smile. "Come in." She opens it further.

I didn't realize how big and nice this house looks yesterday.

"Would you like some coffee?" She asks me as I look at the living room and I turn around to her.

"Sure." I say and follow her into the kitchen. There is a strange awkwardness between us and it's probably because, well... finding out that you have a child is a big deal.

I take a seat at the couch thing in the kitchen and watch how Katherine pours some coffee into two mugs. She puts down one of the mugs in front of me and sits across the table. I notice her engagement ring with a yellow diamond. I have a feeling that she hates it, because she's mostly into the monochrome theme and that ring ruins it. I wish it was the ring that I gave her. I wonder what she did with it...

"How are you?" She asks me and takes a sip from her coffee. I'm going to tell her but it's the first time in years since I woke up without a hangover, so I'm great.

"I'm great." I go with the short version. "How are you?"

"I'm good." She says and drinks again. Yeah, this is definitely awkward.

"Where is Adaline?" I ask.

"She's at the kindergarten but she'll be back at two." She informs me. "I just thought maybe we can talk first. Catch up to everything." It's actually a great idea, as I have no idea what you've been doing these past five years.

"I haven't been doing much." I say, going first.

"I'm sure that's not true. It's been five years. What did you do all this time?" She asks me with a smile that I adore so much. Trust me, you don't want to know what I've been doing.

"Working, mostly. That boss that I hated so much drove me crazy and eventually I changed to another place. They gave me a good position immediately. I'm the editor in chief."

"Oh wow! That is a big deal." She says with enthusiasm. It feels so weird to talk to her like two strangers.

"Yeah..." Not really. I don't give a fuck about what I do. I already have money and in these five years I just doubled it. "I guess your life is more interesting." I say and she rolls her eyes. Finally a familiar behavior. "Why did you get married?"

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