Chapter 10

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I'm probably crazy to think that he might forgive me and that everything can go back, just as it used to be. He says that he can, but I don't think that it's possible. I wouldn't have forgiven me if someone took away my child for four years. I remember how we went through so many things. So many problems were on our way, but we somehow got through them. Mostly because of his unconditional love. If he loves someone then that's it, he'll love that person forever. But if he hates someone then he doesn't forgive them, no matter what. I feel sorry for Irene. Her son hates her and he doesn't know how heartbreaking that can be. Only now, when I'm a mother myself I can relate to her pain. She might act tough and too bossy sometimes, but she went through horrible pain, sleepless nights and worrying about his health and needs every freaking day. I don't know what I would've done if Adaline hated me. Probably I wouldn't want to live anymore. Fuck, I think like a weak person sometimes. I've got to stop with these shitty things. I have to get it together.

I've kept something that was so important to me all these years and I don't know if I should do this. But just for a moment, I want to feel like, It might happen. As I walk into the bedroom, I walk to the dresser and take out a small box. The first thing that's in it are a couple of polaroids. One of them is him and I kissing, another one is us making funny faces and the last one is him on his one knee proposing to me. I take out a small navy box, remembering the perfect night I saw this thing for the first time and open it to reveal the gorgeous diamond ring. I wanted to throw this so much the day I left him. But sitting on the beach on my knees with this ring in my hands... How can I forget what happened between us or how can I deny the love we had and still have? I take out the yellow diamond ring from my finger and replace it with the one that he gave me. Now this is a real engagement ring, with a promise that I gave to the love of my life five years ago.

I hear the main door open and close, so I place everything back into the box and leave Paul's ring on the dresser before walking downstairs.

"Hi." I say as he pours himself some water in the kitchen.

"Hi Katherine. How was your day?" He asks.

"It was great. How was the meeting?"

"Oh, it was fine. They didn't really have much to say." He puts the glass in the dishwasher.

"Are you hungry?" I ask and walk around him to get to the refrigerator.

"I am actually, but you don't have to make anything. We can order, if it's easier for you."

"Sure. Let's order." I say, turning back to him.

"Did you talk to him?" He asks, referring to Christopher.

"Yeah, I did." I say and look at my hand.

"Are you back together?" He asks as his eyes dart to the ring.

"I don't know..." I answer honestly and look out the window. "It's very complicated, but Adaline is happy to see him."

"Look Katherine. I only want you to be happy and I know that you always loved him. He's the only one who can make you happy." He says with sincerity.

"I'm sorry that it's happening like this..."

"Katherine, it's okay." He smiles. "You helped me in the times when I thought I could never be happy again. I have just lost my wife back then and I've lost myself. You helped me so much. Thank you... Thank you for everything."

"Are you going to be okay though?"

"I will... And I think that it's time for me to move on and finally get on with myself." He takes my hand between his. "And it's time for you to be happy again." He kisses my forehead.

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