Chapter 6

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"Daddy!" I hear and sit up. It takes me a moment to realize that I'm in Katherine's house, in her guest room and the voice is Adaline's.

"Daddy?" She says, opening the door.

"Yes baby?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. The room is pitch black.

I notice her walking over to me and climbing onto the bed.

"You're here." She says and hughs me.

"Of course I'm here. I've told you that I will stay." I lay her next to me and we cuddle as I comfort her with some rubbing on her arms.

A moment later, I hear her slow breathing as she holds onto me in her sleep. If you ask me which is better, when Katherine sleeps in my arms or Adaline, I couldn't answer. Obviously when your girl sleeps on your chest is the best thing in the world, you fall in love with her more. But when your own daughter hugs you in her sleep, that's totally different. I really do feel the connection between us and that's crazy.

I don't realize how I drift off to sleep and then how I wake up to Katherine opening the door. She sighs in relief as she puts her hand over her chest. Shit. She probably got worried when she couldn't find Adaline in her bed.

"She came here last night." I whisper to her.

"I figured." She says and takes a seat on the bed.

I look at Adaline, her leg is draped over mine. Her black long hair is all messy and her lips are parted, sleeping holding onto my arm.

"How did you sleep?" I ask Katherine as she watches Adaline.

"Good. How did you?"

"Great... It's actually weird to sleep next to my own daughter." I tell her as I move Adaline's hair from her face.


"What time is it?"

"It's eight." Of course it is... "She'll wake up any minute." We look at each other for a moment and then she says, "I'll be downstairs."

There is a tension between us that I don't know where it came from. I don't like how distant she is from me. Even though we are close, we are so far from each other.

"Dad..." Adaline whispers.

"Good morning honey." I say.

"Is mommy mad at me?" She asks with a sleepy voice.

"Of course not... What do you do in the mornings?"

She sits up and moves her hair from her face with those little hands. "I brush my teeth, make my bed..." She says proudly. "Mommy makes breakfast and I play with my toys."

"What mommy usually makes for breakfast?"

"Hmm... She makes... eggs... fruit." She pokes the pillow.

"Let's go have breakfast then." I say and lift her up as I get out of the bed. She squeaks and giggles as I throw her up and catch it.

I hold her in my arms as we head downstairs. "I love you honey." I say and kiss her head. 

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