Chapter 3

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This feels like a dream, something that I have been waiting for five years. His lips touching mine, his hands on my waist. I feel the heat spreading through me as our tongues meet and part and meet again. I've missed him so much. It feels like it's been ages since the last time I kissed him. Like that person wasn't me... It isn't actually. I've changed, I've grown. I have a daughter and I'm actually married. The guilt is going to kill me now. Before, I could lie to myself and convince myself that he cheated on me while all along I knew that there was something wrong about that and he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. Now that I heard him say that it wasn't true... I don't know what to do. He lived these five years without me just to find out that he has a daughter. I took his years with her and I did the same thing to her. She doesn't even know her dad. How am I going to live with that?

"I have to go back inside." I tell him as we stop our kiss.

"Can I see her?" He asks with hope.

"Not today. But you will. I swear, I won't keep her from you. I just have to think about all of this." I say and he nods. I know that it's hard for him to agree with me right now. I'm pretty sure that he just wants to burst through that door and finally get to meet her.

"We can meet tomorrow." I suggest.

"I'll come." He says and I nod.

It's going to be hard to pull away from his embrace and walk away. I have to do it though. Adaline is waiting for me inside.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I say as I put my hand on his cheek.

I take a step back and turn around to get inside. If only he knew what I've been through. If only that thing didn't happen and he actually got to hold my hand through everything. I close the door and lean to it as a tear escapes my eye, running down my cheek.


Five years earlier...

"Welcome to Italy!" Rachel says as we enter her small apartment. After sitting on the sand for a while, I pulled myself up, got into my car and drove straight to the airport. I couldn't go to London, although that's where my best friend is. He can easily find me there. I can't really trust anyone. So there was only one option, flying to Rome to see one of my closest friends, Rachel, who I've met through her sister from the ice ring where we used to practice all the time.

"It's nice." I say, looking around the apartment. It's a small space with an open kitchen and chipped white walls that are mostly grey now from the dirt. A couch and a tv, three windows that look at a building across the street.

"I'm so glad that you're here, of course... But..." She starts to say.

"But why am I here?" I ask the obvious. "I had to go far far away and you were the first person I could think of." I say to her and she gives me an understanding look.

"Come on. I'll show you your room." She says and takes my suitcase to a room next to the kitchen.

The walls are white and the ceilings seem so high. There isn't much here except a white bed with a simple white bedding, two nightstands and a dresser.

"I know that it's not much..." She starts to say, I guess a little embarrassed by her accommodations.

"Rachel, It's fine. This place looks very cozy actually. I can't thank you enough for having me here." I try to assure her.

"I'm so happy that you're here." She tells me by pulling me into a hug. This makes me want to cry and I actually feel like crying. I have to let some of the emotions out.

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