chapter 21

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Lucia's pov:

I was in the middle of my story when Gus suddenly interupted,

"Ayo look Ams fell asleep" he wishperd pointing at the dozed off Amelia.

Her head was down to her chest and her feet up, making her whole body it on the been sack.

"Lucia stop staring, go on with your explenation" Willow chuckeld

I snapped back to Willow giving me that stupid smirk, I gave her an annoyed glanche responging "Nevermind".

"Awhg come onn" she begged me to go on, i knew she didnt care and just wanted to annoy me.

I just putted a half eaten sandwich in my mouth giving her a glare, "well then fine go stare at your girlfriend like a creepy old man" she teased.

"What?! She's not my girlfriend dude, and i wasnt staring" I explained even though knowing she already knew.

The scream rang making us looking at our schedule, "Wills we are in the same class!" Gus cheered.

"I see,wel lets go then. Bye luzz and sleeping beauty" Willow waved goodbye with gus following her.

I looked back at my scedule i gave it a weird look. "Detention? What did i do?!"

I litterly had no idea why but i geuss it was better then the class i would have to follow, as i wanted to stand up and leave i remembeted Amelia had fallen asleep.

I walked over slowly bowing down wipimg a few strands of hair from her face, "wakey wakey" i softly spoke while slowly patting her shoulder.

After a sec her eyes slowly opend tiredly, she blinked a couple times after rubbing in her eyes. Streching her legs and went sitting up straight.

"Nap time is over ams" I spoke, "what do you have this period?"

She took out her scedule,while she looked at it she sighed and stood up.

"Detention" she awnsered,  "wow did miss perfect get into detention?" I teased not seeing an excpected reaction.

She just ignored it and started walking towards the exit, I started walking with a quick speed walk so I could catch up with her.

She still looked realy tired as she stared infront of her heading towards the detention section.

"Dont you have a class to be in Lucia?" She asked annoyed,

"Wow sorry miss, no i have detention to. Even though I never got it" I awnsered still suprised.

She didnt reply and kept walking, past the lockers into another halway. The more we walked the quicker Amelia started walking.

As we finnaly saw the door of the detention classroom she went back tk normal walking, as we stood infront of the door i stared at her waiting for her to open the door.

She sighed and opend te door, swoopig the door open the teacher looked up as a couple of students.

The place still looked old and dirty, like they want it to be a hell hole. It smelled like shit, this room definitly never gest cleaned.

Amelia and i went towards the empty seatz in the corner, they had tables for 2 in this clasroom so there was no gab between me and Amelia.

I personly found it stupid becauss this way we could comunicate much easier withouth the teachers knowing.

i'll always protect you, no mater what.(discontinued?)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt