chapter 22

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Lucia's pov:

Staring towards the clock wich was the only sound you could hear in the clasroom *tik,tik,tik*.

We only had 25 minutes to go untill Detention would end, I turned around to amelia to tell her the news only to find out she was out.

her head resting on her crossed arms on the desk, I sloftly moved some strings of hair away from her face. I turned back to my own desk facing my empty sketch book with a pencil laying on top of it.

I've thought for inspiration the whole period, Looking back at Amelia I thought of just drawing her.

I grabbed my pencil and started drawing  the shapes of her position, then i started to add some realistic form of the body to it and finally the details like the nose,Eyes, eyebrows, lashes and hair.

i was busy drawing the highlights when suddenly the scream rang. As Amelia started to wake up i quickly took my sketchbook and the pencil and placed back into my bag.

Amelia slowly sat up straight stretching her hands above her head. I waited for her to finish so i grabbed my phone and checked if i still had some lessons to follow. apperantly school had already ended and i would be free if i didn't have atention.

Amelia and I both stood up and left the classroom, "So do you still have classes?"I asked Amelia

"No i dont think so, and if i do i dont care." She replied

"wel geuss we both have nothing to do" I said as i held my hands behind my head walking through the halls with Amelia.

As we walked up on the stairs to or dorms I went to break the silence,

"I geuss i'll just go to the gym, wanna join?"

Amelia her head turned around towards me, I gave her a smile.

Then we stood infront of our door as Amelia reached for her key and opened the door and went in. I followed her closing the door behind me, "so? Wadaya think" I asked again.

"Luz, i'm really tired so I am gonna take a nap. I wont be going to the gym with you today" she replied. I lowered my shoulders and gave her an awhhh.... face wich she just ignored as she turned around dissapearing into our bedroom.

I actully didn't wanna to to the gym alone but now i had to because Amelia prob wouldt be able to sleep with me here being loud as fuck.

I joined into our room seeing Amelia was already in her pj's. I turned towards my closet thinking about what i would wear. I just went for the sport bra with a dark blue crop top and  my baggy sweat pants. I figured as Amelia already had her eyes closed trying to sleep i'd just change here. 

I took off my clothes throwing that the edge of my bed, i grabbed the shorts and hopped into them. I did turn towards the wall as i took off my bra quickly putting the sports bra. Then took the crop top and putted it on. 

I carefully walked out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen, entering the kitchen i opend the fridge taking a bottle of water and an apple. I closed the fridge and turned around heading to the door before opening the door i took my jacket and putted it on.

I opend the door and closed it behind me and off to the gym I went.

When i was walking towards the stairs i stopped walking and had an idea, Mabye Willow was already done with school and could join me to the gym, I made a little happy jump as i went to the dorm of Willow.

I could also just text her tho, but it would mabye take to long for her to awnser and im to lazy to wait for that. Also mabye gus would like to join us but i dont remember him ever going to the gym.

i'll always protect you, no mater what.(discontinued?)Where stories live. Discover now