chapter 14

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Amelia's pov:

I was freaking out about luz while she was just joking around!

Then suddenly she said somthing i couldnt understand and her eyes started rolling up to her head as she started shaking.

What was happening?!

I pressed every button i could find on the emergency thing and heard the healers rush in taking lucia.

I wanted to follow them but remembered i also was a patient at the moment.

Why the hell is lucia always hurt? Is she atracted to it or somthing.

It just annoyes me so mutch! But that doesnt mean i care tho, right?

I shoved the thoughts away and relised i probably needed some sleep.

I still could feel my injuries so i had lay on my back, the worst position to sleep in if you asked me.

I let out an annoyed sigh and closed my eyes.

The first thing that came up was lucia and i imeditly opend my eyes again.

"Whe are not doing this!" I said to myself.

I slammed my had softly and closed my eyes again trying hard to think of somthing except the human.

But when you try to not think of somthing you think about it.

I just got over with it and just tried to sleep.

I was heading to lucia her room to see a withe blanket laying on somthing that looked like a body.

I rechecked the name of the person who was in this room.

"Lucia Noceda" it said, no it cant be!

I rushed over to the bed and stood there getting enough currouge to see if it was lucia.

I slowly take a bit of the blanket to see the face, it indeed was Lucia.

"No, no you cant leave just like that!" I cried.

I dropped the blanket slowly back down and landed on my knees crying.

Suddenly i heard footsteps, i turned around to see Willow and gus who started crying as soon as they saw lucia.

"This is all your fault! How dare you even be in this room." Willow yelled.

My eyes widend "my fault?-." I asked.

Then suddenly gaurds barged in and took me.

"Get off me!" I yelled as i struggled to hold back.

"You"re being arrested for causing lucia noceda's death" one of the gaurds said.

I get thrown in a cell as another gaurd comes with a paper.

"The titan has spoken for your sentance. You're being pettrefied." He said.

I gasped for air "but why?!" I yelled as tears flood down my eyess.

"Because you killed her" a voice suddenly said. It was my mom with mh dad standing there dissepointed.

Suddenly i woke up feeling my heart race and start to breath heavily.

That dream felt so real, i never had such dream.

It took a while for me to calm down again but when i did a healer walked in.

"Hello amelia, your health has improver and you may leave after i do  a quick check alright?" She said whith a kidn voice.

I nodded as she came towards me to check up on me.

;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;time skip;:;:;:;:::;:;::

"Alright your all set to leave! You"re clothes are on the chair in the corner, just check yourself out." The healer said and left.

I slowly set up and took my first step, i trembled at first but made my way to the chair.

I took the clothes and headed for the bathroom, i changef myself and freshed myself up by splashing water in my eyes.

I dried my face and walked out of the room, i went heading to check myself out but turned around changing my mind.

I asked a healer where Lucia Noceda would be, she checked her board and replied: "Lucia Noceda- ah yes! She is being treated right now but only family members or gaurdians may enter her room."

"Im asking for her sister, wich room is she in?" I asked.

"Second floor room 104" she replied and walked away.

The healers are so dumb they aint even checking if im talking the truth.

I headed for the stairs and went looking for 104.

After a while i found 103 so 104 would be next to it, i walked over to the next room and saw 3 healers in the room standing around Lucia and treating her.

I wanted to run in but i would be kicked out in a split second. I just sat on the nearest chair and waited for the healers to leave.

I still felt tired so just closed my eyes until i could see lucia.

;:;:;:;:;:;:;time skip;:;;:;:;:;:;

I got woken by Willow.

"Amelia what are you doing? Arent you supposed to be resting and also why are you near lucia's room?" She asked confused.

I rubbed in my eyes and yawned.

"First of all i recovered in 2 days and im waiting to see lucia." I responded.

"Well we just went to see her and shes tired so you gotta leave" she said annoyed.

Wow was Willow still mad at me? Thought she got over it.

"Yeh i just want to take a quick look and then leave dont worry" i yawned.

"Looks like you need to rest to!" Gus said after appearing from the room.

Willow signed to Gus to leave as she walked away, gus waved at me and then followd Willow.

I waited for them to get out of sight and stood up and entered Lucia's room.

She was sleeping peacefully while she was conected to an intravenous drip that was giving her blood.

I walked towards the chair next to the bed and sat down. I looked at lucia as i slowly reach her hair, i actully always wondered if her hair felt soft as it looked like.

And now it wouldt be weird if i did, i gently runned my fingers through her short hair.

It weirdly felt comferting to feel her soft hair as my fingers moved through it.

I just layed a little on her bed as i kept running my fingers gently through her hair.

It has been a weird roler coaster this week, and im actully suprised how many times lucia got hurt and even badly.

Like does she get into fights because she likes the pain or somthing?

I just want to live a normal school live in school and not at the healing coven 24/7.

As i sinked into my thoughts i fell asleep.

i'll always protect you, no mater what.(discontinued?)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora