chapter 7

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Luz pov:

I layed my phone aside and stood up, i putted all my clothes and stuff in my closet with my bat laying aside the closet.

I grabbed my guitar and started playing

(Here a lil edit with the song)
"Luz starts singing while she plays the guitar:still into you"

As luz layed her guitar back in the case someone appeared in the door.

"Lucia?" A girl said. I looked up seeing a green hairee girl with my jacket on.

"Amelia?! Wait your my roomate?" I said suprised.

"Geuss so" Amelia replied while walking over to her bed, she didnt seem verry happy about it. I kinda wonderd why, we had a great time in the human realm rigt?

Or was that just a one thing becouse she was stuck with me.

I stood up and putted the guitar in the closet and grabbed a boxer and a sport bra and headed to the bathroom.

The bathroom looked damn fine, i grabbed a towel and putted it over the top of the shower.

I took my clothes off and turned the shower on and stepped in.

I slided my face palms from my face into my head.

Amelia isnt the worst to get but i still wondered why she had a dissepointed look and didnt act happy at all.

She didnt even bother to tall, mostly i shower quick but when i get into my thoughts Its a realll long shower.

I snapped out of it when the shower suddenly turned realy cold, geuss theres a time limmit or sum for the shower.

I quickly rinsed the shampoo out added the conditioning and washed my body. Then rinsed the conditioner out and stepped out of the shower.

I grwbed the towel and dried myself, i putted on my boxers and sports bra then rubbed the towel onto my hair.

It wasnt realy fully dried but i threw the towel in the thing for the dirty shit.

I forgotted to grab clothes with my underwear so i head to just walk to my closet. I knew it was going to be akward but i realy didnt care, I just was cold asf.

i opend the door making it even colder then in the bathroom and rushed to my closet with the reaction "wtf lucia!" Amelia said while highening her book infront of her face.

"chill man its not like im naked, i just forgot my clothes." i said while putting on a over sised t-shirt and pants. "you can lower your book now" i said while hopping onto my bed.

she lowered her book as i saw a little red on her cheecks. i smiled and grabbed my phone, i saw at my notifications seeing 2 missed calls from Gus. then i oppened the messages to see whats going on.

gus:" Luz can you help please, Boscha is picking on willow outside the school. we just went for a walk and now she has appeared! come quick please" 

i got that message 4 mins ago, "Shit" i said while rushing over to my closet grabbing my bat, while i wanted to run out the room Amelia stopped me. "Whats going on where you going?" 

"Nothing!" i quickly said while closing the door behind me. i jumped 2 steps atime at the stairs, i slided in the halways running as fast as i could. its been 4 years Boscha def could be beating Willow!

i'll always protect you, no mater what.(discontinued?)Where stories live. Discover now