chapter 10

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Lucias pov

Me and Boscha suddenly poofed in the woods, infront of us was a parcour with clear directions.

"This is gonna be fun" Boscha smirked.

Oh hell it isn't. "Lets go" i said annoyed and started running towards the first obstacle.

We had to climb  up on that was actully realy high. There where 2 ropes with knots in it where you could place your feet on.

I grabbed one of the ropes and started climbing up, then suddenly i fet Boschas hand on my feet trying to get me down.

"What the fuck Boscha?! Let me go" i yelled.

I was holding on shaking my leg, after a second she let go and i reached the end if the rope.

You had to spring off to end up landing on somthing soft i dont realy know what it was.

I just flipped my feet around the other side and pushed myself of the obstacle.

This was more against Boscha then with Boscha. I still dont realy understand why we had to do this in pairs.

After a couple of obstacles i losr sight of Boscha, damn that girl is slow.

I was almost at the end when i had to climb up somthing and walk over on a plank with weird shapes.

There was nothing on the ground to protect you for when you fell so it was actully realy unsafe.

And ofcourse when i was at rhe half of the plank i heard boscha coming up.

She didnt wait for me to cross and headed over to me. I tried to be quick but i didnt want to fall and keeping my balance was quite difficult.

When i turned around to look i saw boscha reaching out to grab me. I turned around and grabed her hands stopping her to make me fall.

It was quite a strugle of both of us. But then she made me get back a few steps, as i did i saw where i had to  place my feet and then boscha gave me a hard push wich made me fall.

I tried to grab her feet but it was to late, i fell on the hard ground hitting my back.

As i hit the ground i letted out a hard groan. The pain rushed over my body in a spil second.

I saw boscha finishing the  obstacle and walking towards me.

"Dont mess with me again human, stay out of my way or you'll suffer." She said while making an evil smile face.

"Go fuck yourself" i said trying not to show i was in ALLOT of pain.

She turned around and glared at me. Then walked over and stepped on my torso.

"What did you say to me?"

"Go.fuck.yourself" i said while groaning.

Boscha putted all of her weight on me, i holded my scream back by crunching my teeth together.

Then she runned of finnishing the parcour.

I was able to reach my scroll and dialed Willows number, i couldt hold my hand up to look at my scroll so i just let my hand fall on the ground.

Then after calling 2 times Willow replied.

"Lucia whats wrong? Im buzzy here!"

"I fell of a fucking obstacle and cant fucking move." I groaned in pain.

"Where are you?" Willow her voice suddenly turned from annoyence to concerned.

'Idk somwhere in the woods" again, i thought.

i'll always protect you, no mater what.(discontinued?)Where stories live. Discover now