chapter 18

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Amelia's pov:

After a while Lucia stopped playing with my hair so i figured she'd fallen asleep.

I slowly lifted my head up to comfirm she was sleeping and indeed she was.

I slowly moved her hand aside so I wouldt wake her when I moved.

I looked at the time to find out i skipped 2 periods instead of 1.

I looked at my scedule to see it was lunch time and I had P.E. next.

I messged Lucia via my scroll that i had left for school and went on my way to my dorm to get ready.

;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;time skip;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;

I quickly took my shorts and t-shirt and swapped outfits.

I tied my hair  and walked out of my dorm turning around heading to the stairs coming across Gus.

He turned his head as he saw me, he slowed his pace as he finaly walked next to me.

"Hiya amelia!"  He said, "hey" i replied

"Arent we in the same P.E class?" He asked as we walked down the stairs,
"I asume we are" I awnserd as i looked down at our gym outfits.

He grinned as we made our way to the changing rooms.

"Well cya in 5 mins" Gus said as he gave me a short smile while dissepearing behind the door.

I still dont get it how he is always so happy to everyone and about everything.

I opend the door to the girls room as i saw al the girls just leaving headin to the class.

I quickly dropped my bag into my corner and took a short sprint to the door opening it to the gym.

All the boys and girls where already lining up, also gus he was talking with willow who was a bit taller then gus was.

As I hesitated to stand next to them Gus turned around and noticed me, he signed for me to come over with his hand.

I walked over already feeling stressed about what i should say.

"Helluww again" gus welcomed me, willow just gave a quick nod signing 'sup'.

"Hey"i replied as i went on standing next to gus, I still was a bit 'afraid' of Willow about what she might still be thinking of me.

But mabye i had a change befriending her, then I could join their little friend group. Well that might be a little to fast mabye.

Well atleast gus likes me, i hope. Gus and Willow started beginnig with their conversation again as i just litsend from behind Gus.

I was looking in their direcion only gus was hafly turned to Willow, i could see willow though but i just kinda hided behind Gus.

I hope its alright to call him gus, i donr know if only friends can call him that.

Oh lord im beginning to think like like a anxious teenager i was again.

I shook my thoughts away and seconds later the class went silence as the doors opend and our P.E teacher appeared from the 2 doors opening.

"Hello class, my first lesson might have been a little over the top so my apolegies for that."  He  explained.

I think i might like this teacher tho i've only seen him twice now, he looks nice and speaks nice to, I got snapped out my toughts as my classmates sarted running.

I just copied them, I geuss what i had missed was the explanation about the warmig up but it seems like we only have to run around the field.

Some of my classmates already started to run slower and ended behind the group. We only had runned one round, these people are in real bad shape arent they.

i'll always protect you, no mater what.(discontinued?)Where stories live. Discover now