chapter 2

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Amelias pov

I wake up by the light slipping threw the window, i rubbed in my eye to get the sleep away. as i sit straight up i see that luzcia already had woken up as she wasnt in her bed, i stood up and walked to the kitchen. while aprouching i smelled somthing burning, stepping closer to the kitchen I saw lucia baking somthing yellow while smoke  was coming from an iron thing with 2 bread peaces in it. as i yawned i cought the atention of Lucia.

"goodmorning Blight" , i walked in the kitchen replying "i think your bread is burned" she took a look to the smoke quickly getting the bread out, i could see it was hot because she quickly let go of the bread. "fuck" she growled, i laughed. "real chef arent you?" 

"fuck you" she replied while getting back to the yellowish stuff in the pan. "what is that for stuff" i asked, "this is called scrumbeled eggs Blight, would you like some?" she said.

i took another look at the food  and nodded, it actully looks tasty i thought. i turned around heading to the bathroom. i took a look in the mirror and chocked to see my hear was a mess, i felt ashamed while thinking about why lucia didnt say anything. i looked threw the drawers searching for a hair elastic. i quickly noticed all the medicene, this must be all from lucia. 

damn thats allot of medicene, i wanted to see where it all was for but suddenly heard. "you good Blight?" i  starteld and looked up and awnserd: "yeah just looking for a brush!" 

she quickly replied "i have one in my room on my desk." i waited for her to walk away as i slowly close the drawer and come out of the bathroom and walked over to her room. i saw some brushes laying on the deks so i walked over to the desk and grabbed a brown brush and stroke it down my hair and putting my front hairs in a little ponytail. i took a quick look in the mirror noticing i still had her pj's on, they where quite comfy so i just walked to  the kitchen where lucia already had put some new bread in the thing. 

"you can sit down Blight its almost ready." i nodded and took a turn to the table taking a seat, then i heard a sound coming from the kitchen, so i made a sound and looked at the back. suddenly lucia started laughing "dont worry blight its only the roaster." i glared at her and turned my head.

then she came to the table with 2 plates filled with the yellowish stuff and 1 toasted bread per plate. she putted a plate infront of me and sat down at the other side of the table and started eating, i looked at the food and took a bite of the bread with the "scrumbeled egg" on it. to my suprising it actully tasted good so i started eating a bit faster finishing my plate before lucia, i kinda felt ashamed of how fast i ate but it was just the best thing i had in a while. lucia looked up to me and then at my plate. "damn girl you realy like it dont you?" i gave her a short nod and suddenly she gave me her food. i looked up at her and gave her a questioning look, 

"im not realy hungry here you have it." i wanted to say she couldt have it but i didnt get the change as she stood up and started cleaning the stuff on the kitchen. i slowly grabbed the food and started eating it. Damn! this stuff is fucking awsome, geuss lucia is a chef after all.

after i finished i brought the plate to lucia and handed it over, "uhm do you have any spare clothes for me?" i said  uncomfortable. she putted the plate on the kitchen and walked to her room as i followd her, she looked in her closet  searching for a pair of clothes. "i dont realy think i have anything that would fit you, she grabbed somthing and handed it over to me. "we are going to the mall to get you a pair of clothes." i dded as she walked past me heading to the kitchen, i took a look at the clothes i had in my hand it was a withe shirt with somthing small on it at the top of the shirt. the shorts where black with withe lines. i closed the door and started changing.

when i got dressed i dropped the pjs on my mattres, i looked down and saw the shirt was the same lenght as my pjs. "great" i mumbeled, i took a look in the mirror. it looked like i didnt have any pants on "fucking great". im glad lucia offered to buy me some new clothes.

after a while we indeed went to the mall, lucia grabbed somthing named a "bike" from the back of the house. it looked realy weird, she told me to sit at the back of the bike while she stepped up and started moving the bike. i found it scary at first so i waggeled a bit, "Blight please stop fucking moving, you are going to make us fall."  i tried to stop moving and only waggeled sometimes a bit.

while we where moving i looked around, the human realm looked nothing like the boiling isles but it was pretty though. then suddenly we stoped and lus told me to step of as she placed her bike at the side of a big building, she signed me to come with her. as we walk in this big building i see allot of humans and clothes, the clothes where verry different from the demon realm. i disliked all the clothes i saw so it took all day to find a pair of clothes.

"goddamit Blight dont be so picky and just choose somthing, we've bin here all day and you havent seen anything you like." lucia said annoyed, then i saw  a pink dress and walked over to is, this was somthing i could wear for a couple of weeks. i grabbed the dress and showed it to lucia. she grabbed it and went to a human that was behind some sort of desk. lucia paid the human with a peace of green paper as the human putted the dress in a paper bag.

time skipp

i went to the bathroom with the paper bag with the pink dress in it, i took the clothes i was wearing off and tried on the dress. i kinda liked it but it was verry boring though, i went to show lucia as she looked me up and down. "looks good on you Blight." she said proud.

weeks past and me and Lucia grew closer. the day before Eda was going to pick us up lucia her mom took us out for dinner, i wore my pink dress and lucia a black suite with a black sweater with a turtle neck. she actully looked realy good in it, the food at the restaurant  was realy weard. when i asked for the "scrumbled eggs" lucia started laughing and the waiter gave me a weird look.  I felt ashamed not knowing what i did wrong.

lucia told the waiter that I would have the "toast meal" the waiter nodded and headed back to the kitchen. lucia told me nothing was wrong but i realy felt fucking dumb at that point. after our food got served and we finished our food we went out to get somthing named icescream. it was very cold but realy tasty.

when we came back to the house lucia took a shower and i changed into the to big pj's. i started to like the pj's i layed in my bed grabbing the book i borrowed from lucia. the book goes about 2 girls ending up in a mansschool and they tried to find their way back out facing allot of trouble. i find it a odd book but it was the best book i could choose from the books she had. after a while lucia came into the room with only wearing pj pants and a sports bra. i felt my cheeks tarting to burn up so hid behind my book. was i falling for the human? no that couldt be.i tried to ignore it and went back to reading as i felt my eyes slowly closing and fell asleep. 

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