chapter 3

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Lucias pov

I get woken up by the sound of my phone ringing an melody, i open my eyes while grabbing my phone and stopp the noice. I look to my side seeing Amelia was still asleep, i didnt wake her up becouse she realy didnt have to do mutch for getting ready.

I stood up and walked to the closed deciding wich clothes i would wear, i didnt realy have to stand there long as i grabbed a striped t-shirt,pants and a red beanie. becouse Amelia was asleep i didn't mind to just change in the room itself. i putted my pj's under the blanket on my bed.

still there was somthing missing. ahh it was my jacked that would finnish the outfit. I was searching for my fav jacked as i remembered Amelia had it since she got here, it was laying in her grip like it was her teady bear or somthing, kinda cute if you ask me. I slowly walk over to her and try to grab the jacket by pulling one of her hands up, she moved a little so i quietly put her hand down as i grabbed the jacket.

I putted my jacket on and walked straight to the kitchen where mom already had some food for us ready, there was a note on one of the plates. I might geuss thats for me.

I opend the letter and start reading the words:
" i sadly already have to go to work so i cannot wave you goodbye, i hope you enjoy school and seeing your friends again. Take care of yourself miha loves,
Your mami." i putted the note into the back of my pants.

i was looking at my phone and gasped "SHIT!" Eda would be here in  a half hour and i forgot to wake Amelia up. 

I rushed over to my room kneeling for Amelia her mattress softly pushing on her shoulder and softly said "Amelia hey, wake up its almost time to go" as i softly pushed her shoulder again i saw her eyes opening. she yawned as she was rubbing in her eyes. "you got 30 minutes to get ready before Eda gets here"

"only 30 minutes?!" she said now sitting straight up wich made her only an inch away from my head. her cheeks started to get a little red and quickly moving a bit back, "sorry" she said as the red disepaired. "sorry i forgot to wake you up hehe." 

"realy you forgot to  wake me up and now i only have about 25 minutes to get ready" she said dissepointed in me. "Yep thats right so get out of bed and get ready to go homeeee!" i said excited.

as i sitted in the living room on the couch i heard a happy gasp in the kitchen, "Yay scrumbeled eggs!" i heard Amelia cheering. it was kinda cute how she gets excited over such stuff.

the 30 minutes past by as i already had my bags packt and stood for the old shet house in the woods with Amelia by my side. we didn't had to wait long as we saw the portal apair and Eda walking threw. i dropped my bags and hugged her tightly. "hey kid" Eda sad happy to see me.

then  she let go of me and saw Amelia. "Well hello Eda." Amelia said, oh no this is going to be akward i thought scooping up my bags and heading to the portal waiting for them to follow me.

"oh uhh hey Amelia" Eda akwerdly said trying to act like nothing had happend. "You didn't think of coming to get me after you got me falling into the portal?" Amelia said as she glared at Eda. "i uhh" i quickly stepped in before Eda could say anyting stupid. "Lets go guys i realy wanna go see my friends rn!" as i said while grabbing Amelia her hand and stepping into the portal."

As i stepped in the new realm i felt a breese different from the demon realm, i sighed in releave. i've been waiting to get back for a year now. the demon realm holiday takes 2 times longer then here, my mom didn't mind it and ofcourse i didnt want her to know i like it here more then at home.

i walked fearther as Eda also came out of the door, as she walked out the portal closed only leaving the key on the ground. we where brought up on the mountain where you couldt see whole bones borrow. the village that was build of a titen his left bones. i was so excited i let out a "ieee" and runned down the mountain, i forgot for a second i didn't come here alone as i heard a "Wait up luz!" Amelia has been calling me that for a while now, i kinda got used her saying it now i just need somthing to call her probably somthing in spanish so she wont understand.

I stopped running and walked around. "Uhh sorry guys geuss i am realy excited." i said, as Amelia and Eda catched up with me we walked together to the owl house where i saw Hooty, King, Gus and Willow waited. now i didn't wait and runned stretching my hands ready to hugg them as soon as i approuched. i gave Gus and Willow a thight group hugg, "i missed you guys" i said as they replied "we did too!". i letted go as i took a good look at them.

Willow had cutted her hair almost as short as mine and Gus finally had bin Growing and also had a new hair cut making his hair on one side trimmed and all the other hair heading the other way.

"Damn you two changed allot!" i said still suprised. "wel like you didn't change man!" Willow said, "Yeah you now look even more older, also your style has changed' gus added to Willow her sentence. as Gus said it i felt somthing wrapping around my foot.

Oh yeah King! i looked down while bending and grabbing King into a tight hug. "Hey bud!" i said "Hai bo bo buddie!" king said with allot of excitment.

as Eda and Amelia  also came around Gus and Willow stared at Amity, "Where have you been Amelia and what are you doing here?" gus asked to Amelia. "Well  SOMEONE made me fall into the portal to the human world, so i ended up stranding at Luz her home for a while." 

"Who is luz" asked gus confused. "thats a nickname for Lucia" Amelia replied. "ohh i can get used to that" Willow said. well geuss this means i have a new nickname i geuss.

as i opend the door to the owl house hooty greeted me with a "Greetings Lucia hooooot!" if im honest i realy didnt miss his annoying voice. "hello hooty" i said while everybody followed me inside. the house hasen't changed a bit. only more teddy bears on top of the mountain full of teddys, Kings his army. i grinned as i walk up the stairs to my old room, also hasn't changed a bit. i could see my sleeping bagg still laying there. i could see King has bin laying on it as i see the form of king in my sleeping blanket. as i stared into my room i dropp my bags, after a minute i went back downstairs where now everybody was sitting in the living room.

 they where talking about how excited they where for school. Ugh, we are about to go to college with dorms. that means roomates we cant even choose and have to live for a year with, boring classes and exact times for when we may eat. I wasn't excited at all and had already forgot about it. I joined the group of friends and we started talking about what we had been doing the last year.

i'll always protect you, no mater what.(discontinued?)Where stories live. Discover now