chapter 20

650 21 8

Amelia's pov:

 I was sitting at one of the cafeteria tables looking like a sort of bomb that exploded, I  didn't get enough sleep because me and lucia where catching up till late.

even though nothing really happend in the short while she was gone we still had allot to talk about with random conversations.

"yo Ams you dead?" Lucia asked as i snapped out of my thoughts,   "sadly im verry mutch alive" I replied giving her a short sarcastic smile.

Lucia grinned at my response but then got back to whatever she was doing with gus, kinda looked like they where  doing a sort of contest who could eat the most.

or the two of them are just realy hungry because their plate was filled  with food. next to them was willow just peacefully eating her food while having her headphones on.

I looked back down at my plate grabbing the sandwich that was left on it and took a bite, as i took another bite the scream rang. I sighed clearly not ready for the school day to begin.

all the studens stood up and all headed for the dirty plate stash, as we reached it i took the sandwich of my plate and threw the plate on the stash.

 I waited for Willow,Gus and lus to do the same. As gus threw his food and his plate away we headed to the lockers to get our stuff for the next class together.

It was nice having friends around, but still I didn't realy  feel welcome.

hoping that feeling will go away soon we all closed our lockers and waved eachother goodbye as we didn't have the same class for the period.

I headed for my class being right on time, the same time as i sat down at my seat the teacher entered the classroom. Time passed by slow asf to be onest, it was so hard to stay awake and to focus in class but then finnaly the scream rang and it was time for the next class.

I thought it might be better if i put some music in so i grabbed ear pods and put them in, making a circkle for the music to begin.

I walked pass the halls to the lockers heading for mine, i stood infront of my locker as the mouth opend as the books for my next class appeared i placed my stuff back and took the next books.

the lockers mouth quickly closed as i rushed to my next class realising  The classroom was in the end of the school. seeing the teacher closing the door i quickly stopped her, she gave me a glare but then moved away so i could enter.

looking around i noticed Lucia was in the same class as me, I weirdly never saw her here. she'd probably skipped the last ones, Lucia then turned around noticing me. she waved and patted on the empty seat  next to her signing me to sit next to her.

I walked over to the empty seat placing my books on the table and sat down, after a few seconds the teacher started to talk. "Heya ams" Lucia wishperd,  "Hi" i responded  withouth looking at her. 

"Is somthing wrong?" she asked in a soft tone  i turned around looking into her eyes ,"No just tired" I replied not even having to try to speak soft.

we both turned around turning our atention to  the teacher, my music was a little bit to loud so i just took one out and made it dissepear. Luckly Lucia was sitting at the back of the class, so the teacher hopfully  would't noticed if i just closed my eyes for a few minds.

Luckily the time flew by as I was enjoying the peace of my music in relaxing mode, I slowly opend my eyes as i tiredly took my books looking at my next class.

only one to go before break time, "What do you have next?" Lucia asked as she came walking next to me out of the classroom.

" I have to go to healing class" i awnsered,  "awh, I gotta go to potions but i think Gus has healing class to right now!" she informed.

"Oh, well sya in a hour" I waved her goodbye as we both headed other directions to our class.

I headed for the healers classroom luckily being on time but not seeing Gus anywhere, I took a seat in the corner of the back and sat down.

I closed my eyes listening to the music thats coming out from my pods enjoying the peace.

"ms. blight, why dont you have your healer books with you?" A voice woke me up,

I opend my eyes looking up facing my teachers mad face.

"I apolegiese, I forgot to grab them." I awnserd trying not to show I had fallen asleep.

"Detension, i did not expect this from a blight" he said.

This was so unececery, because i forgot my books? Noncence.

My whole mood went down and i didnt even want to try to stay awake at this moment.

And i indeed fell asleep dreaming about random things, but then got woken up by gus.

"Amelia wake up, its lunch break!" He woke me.

I slowly lifted my head from the deks looking at the boy,  "thanks for waking my up, you can go i'll catch up."

He nodded, he happily walked out of the clasroom and dissepeared as he turned.

I thought i didnt see him in this class, geuss i missed him.

I removed my one pod and stood up, i walked out of the classroom and headed for the cafeteria.

I walked past some walls suddenly hearing fameliar voices, i walked the direction of where the sounds came from.

Slowly looking around the corner i saw gus,willow and lucia standing at their lockers talking.

I wanted to turn around and slowly walk away not wanting to look creepy, but ofcourse gus saw me and waved me over.

"Hey ams!there you are."

I akwardly laughed as i walked over now all eyes on me.

I putted my hand up as an hi shortly putting it back down.

Willow and lucia both greeted me and then went on with ther conversation, i just stood there still with sleepy eyes.

"Lets go to the libary! Or if someones hungry we can just go to the libary." Lucia suggesged,

I nodded and the others agreed to. We headed towards the stairs walking up walking towards the two big doors.

Opening them we walked into a silece big room filled with books.

We went to the beans sack and sat on them,  "so how are yall?" Lucia asked,

I drifted off again as Willow started telling how her day went. Slowly hearing the voices go softer, softer and softer untill everything went black.

"Writer here! Im so sorry it took so long but i just realy dont have mutch time and motivation 😅 also i have to sadly inform that because of the summer break i probbably wont be posting untill its over. I have allot of activities and vacations so i wont have time, i'm sorry but see yall in 6 weeks<3"

i'll always protect you, no mater what.(discontinued?)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora