I see all the other lads looking at me like I'm a disgrace. Liam is looking at me with disgust. I'm pretty sure Niall's about to go off on me. Louis, he has a mix of amusement and anger.

"Oh god. You guys actually fell for that." Natalie bursts out laughing. She pilots at me with one hand while the other is holding her tummy. "Even Zayn."

I see all their angry faces get replaced with relief. Louis bursts out laughing with the she-beast.

In no time, everyone's laughing but me. It's not funny. I was embarrassed by the c- actually, I'm going to stop with the bad language. It's not okay to have a potty mouth.

"Okay," Natalie chokes out after her fit of laughter. I see her wipe away some tears from her eyes.

"The real question I was going to ask you is that are you really that vain? Cause you were in school."

Bitch. Oops. Potty mouth. Well she deserves it.

"No Natalie. I am not that vain in real life," I state clearly bored.

"Uh-Uh." Louis shakes his finger like Natalie. "What did Natalie tell you? Lies don't make friends. Now tell Natalie the truth. Are you really that vain in real life?"

I hear Niall and Harry snicker. Even Liam is cracking a smile.

"You know what? I'm going to the store to pick up some toilet cleaner, zukini and some chick flick. So I'll just see you later," I say while getting up.

"I want food. I'll come with you," Niall says jumping up. Doesn't he get that I want to be alone?

"No, you're not. Now sit your ass down," I snap at him. His face suddenly falls and looks like a puppy who just got hit. Louis pats his back and whispers something in his ear while he fake cries on his shoulder. Now I feel bad. Whateves. I just got over the pity.

I walk towards the door when I hear Louis.

"I'm taking that as a yes!"

"Whatever!" I yell back getting my jacket.

"I'm going to text Eleanor that!" he screams back.

"Lies don't make friends!"

Hah. Turned that against him.

As I open the door I sense someone is on the other side. I just ignore it until I rub into someone.

I don't see who it is when I stumble back.

But I hear a familiar voice that has always given me the chills.

"Hello Zayn. You're looking as sexy as ever."

Oh god.

Natalie's POV

I giggle as Louis takes out his phone to text Eleanor which I'm guessing is his girlfriend.

"Lies don't make friends!" Zayn yells back. Asshat.

"Well played my friend," I hear Louis mumble to no one in particular.

No, Zayn does not get that point.

I am about to yell out to him when I hear two grunts. Shutting my mouth, I look to the direction of the door along with everyone else. I guess they heard the grunts too. That shows I'm not jut hearing things.

I smile when I hear the great voice of my best friend say "Hello Zayn. You're looking as sexy as ever."

I almost burst out laughing about what he said. Leave it up to Romeo to make something good into an awkward situation. I'm especially proud because Romeo put our dear friend (note the sarcasm dripping from my words) in an awkward situation.

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