Need A Little Time

Start from the beginning

Noel squeezed his shoulder and looked at him intently.

"Well I'm listening now. You're really good."

Liam smiled at him shyly.


Trix watched the beautiful moment between them wishing it could always be like this without any fighting. Over the past couple of years their relationship had improved. It was less volatile and they generally got along better now. Everything had changed around the time Liam had found out about her and Noel being together but they'd never explicitly told her what had happened between them.


Trix, Noel and Liam sat in Peggy's front room. Trix was due back at Uni next week. A reality they all seemed to be avoiding. Noel and Trix had spent yet another magical summer together.

"How come you two don't try the band thing together?" Asked Trix absently as she sat cross legged on the floor pretending to read a magazine against Noel's legs who was sitting on the couch.

She'd tried to drop subtle hints but neither of them seemed to be making the first move so as a result Trix was forced to be blunt. She was running out of time.

She glanced at Liam who had paused eating the packet of crisps he was eating on the couch next to Noel .

"Are you mad? We'd kill each other?" Said Liam in disbelief.

She looked up at Noel who looked equally perturbed.

Trix sighed and faced them kneeling on the floor as she abandoned her magazine fully.

"You're getting along alright now aren't you? You're an amazing singer Liam but you know the songs could be better and Noel can write good ones. Really good ones."

Noel flushed slightly beneath her praise. She'd been privelidged enough to have a few played for her. Having no job this summer he'd poured his heart into writing. Writing in the notepad she'd made him.

Noel shook his head.

"Bad idea. Exactly we're getting along. Let's not jinx it."

Trix shrugged in defeat.

"Look, why don't you just try? If it doesn't work it doesn't work. Forget it. But if it works could really work. I won't talk about it ever again alright but I think you should just both go to rehearsals next week see what happens. And no fighting because I won't be there to break it up."


"No chance."

They replied simultaneously.

Noel looked at Liam in surprise.

"You want me there? I mean this is your thing."

Liam nodded.

"Trix is right maybe it's daft not trying it. I'm not a control freak manager type. Maybe we need one of those."

Noel hesitated then nodded slowly.

"Alright then."

Trix grinned.

"See. I'm always right."


Noel had insisted on journeying with Trix back up to Glasgow repeating the journey from 2 years previous. Trix wasn't sure she could handle doing this again. It had been hard enough the first time saying goodbye to him on Queen Street train platform the first time. But it gave her some extra time with him and she would sacrifice anything for more time with him. Even her heart breaking into a million pieces all over again.

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