Always on my Mind

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December 1987

Trix was precariously perched on top of the windowsill on tiptoes as she hung tinsel from the curtain poles.

"Oh my heart can't take this. Please be careful love."

Muttered Peggy as she watched worriedly from the side.

Trix grinned and shook her head.

"I do it every year Peggy. Liam can't do it right."

Liam mumbled under his breath as he begrudgingly untangled the Christmas tree lights.

Trix laughed.

"You know it's true Li. You're very talented but not with tinsel."

Liam stuck the vicky up at her whilst Peggy was otherwise occupied.

"You and your dad will be joining us won't you?"

Trix smiled warmly.

"I'll ask but we'd love to."

Trix had very fond memories of Gallagher Christmases. They were always loud and more often than not ended in a sweary argument. But it didn't feel like Christmas without it. Christmases hadn't always been happy at home after her mum had passed. And they hadn't been happy for the Gallaghers when they were young either.  When their dad was around. With him gone Peggy tried to make it as special as she could. Bellies and glasses and hearts were always full even if an argument was never far off either.

"Then there'll be Paul and Noel and-"

Trix frowned.

"I thought Noel was away for Christmas?" She asked as she let Liam help her step down off the ledge.

Peggy's brows rose and Liam gave Trix a surprised look.

Trix felt her heart race. She'd assumed Noel had told them. He'd spoken with her last week about getting a last minute gig to help his friends in some band,Inspiral Carpets, out. The gigs were all leading up to Christmas day and he would be travelling home on Christmas day from London.

"'s just he said to me about getting some work roadieing and that the gigs were around Christmas time in London. He'd be getting in late if he made it home. Maybe, maybe...I heard him wrong."

Peggy looked annoyed and Trix bit her lip. She hadn't meant to get Noel in trouble.

"That boy. Honestly he never tells anyone a thing. least it looks like he's started telling someone at least." Said Peggy with a soft smile.

Trix felt her face heat and she looked away quickly helping Liam untangle the lights.

"How do you know that?" Asked Liam.

Trix could feel his questioning gaze burning into her so she avoided it at all costs remaining focused on the jumble of wires. There was no point in lying. She would have to tell him now. Her stomach clenched guiltily. Why? It's not like they were doing anything wrong. They were just talking.

"I spoke to him. I...dropped in to see him after college. He's on my way home anyway. I was passing by."

She said attempting to sound casual.

Liam suddenly dropped the lights he was helping her with leaving her to untangle them alone. Oh dear.

"You just 'dropped in'? What for?"

Trix could tell Liam was on the way to becoming annoyed when he started sounding defensive like that. She took a deep breath and replied calmly despite his reaction and the fact her stomach was in knots.

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