She Bangs the Drums

617 11 4

May 1990

Trix tooted the horn yet again and shouted out the window.

"Liam fucking hell come on! You said you'd be 5 minutes 20 minutes ago!"

Liam stuck his head out of his bedroom window.

"Fuck sake calm down. I'm coming."

Peggy stood in the doorway shaking her head and giving Trix a warm smile. She enjoyed having her back for Christmases and Summers. She would be going into her final year of Uni after summer. Her boy was never happier than when she was around. She hoped after this year Trix could find work closer to home but she seemed to be enjoying life in Glasgow. Both her boys were never happier than when she was with them but Peggy hadn't seen Noel in 6 months. He had been roadieing consistently for 2 years but she didn't think it was what made him happy though it had become steady, reliable work which she was grateful for.

Trix rifled through her backpack doing final checks to make sure they had everything. She glanced in the back seat there was boxes of beer and blankets and sleeping bags. Trix had been looking forward to this all year. Liam had managed to score tickets for Stone Roses at Spike Island. She watched a black cab approach and pull up across the street. Her heart dropped to her toes as she watched Noel slip a wad of notes to the cab driver. She stood staring at him for a moment in the sun before he turned to her. His hair was shorter and in a beatles cut that suited him very much. He had new threads and dark sunglasses. He looked like a rock star.

Her heart pounded as he turned around to face her. She hadn't seen Noel in person since they'd parted on that platform almost 2 years ago. He was travelling with Inspirals around Europe and even America constantly and whenever she was back home he hadn't been. And he hadn't visited her either which Trix had fully expected and knew was intentional. It would be too difficult to try and even understand what they were to each other now. Would it be awkward seeing him again in person?

There had been boyfriends and Hook ups in Glasgow but nothing like what she'd had with Noel. She wondered if he'd been the same. They had both kept their promise to write which had surprised her. He had kept up with her regularly and they still maintained a beautifully deep connection through letters. She could almost feel him through the ink. She felt all those old feelings flood through her as she watched him walk towards her. Butterflies, pounding heart. He took his glasses off and grinned at her his eyes crinkling beautifully. Oh how she'd missed that.  Trix moved on autopilot exited her car and they stood facing each other in their old street.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." She said feeling a grin split across her face.

And just like that 2 years of separation melted away.

He impulsively threw his arms around her and Trix melted into his touch smiling against his shoulder. She breathed him in feeling tears sting her eyes. Home. She was home.

Noel inhaled the fruity shampoo from the top of her head. He felt his tension and worries float away in her embrace. He held her warm body against him tightly. Her letters had let him feel close to her but nothing could compare to this.

He pulled back and gently pushed a strand of golden hair that was now chin length behind her ear.

"You cut your hair. Looks good."

Trix nodded as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"So did you. Suits ye. You look so handsome."

Noel blushed and his lashes lowered beneath her gaze.

Trix giggled and brushed her finger across his heated cheek.

"Ay I've still got it. Can still make you blush."

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