Need A Little Time

429 9 0

August 1990

"Liam... he won't laugh. Invite him to come. Please?"

Liam sighed.

"I don't want him there."

Trix pouted.

"Liam I've been to see you loads of times. Even your mam and Paul have been. That's not fair. Did you ever think maybe he wants to be there for you?"

Liam gave her a look.

"Yeah. To laugh."

Trix squeezed Liams shoulders gently.

"If he laughs I literally won't let him have sex with me for a whole week. Promise."

Liam laughed and shook his head wiggling his brows.

"Even you can't keep that promise. At it like rabbits you two are it's disgusting."

Trix blushed and giggled shoving him lightly.

"For you I'd at least try. Come on please can I take him with me tonight?"

Liam nodded begrudgingly.

"If he-"

"He'll behave. Promise."

"Why do you want him to see me so bad?"

Trix sighed.

"Cause he's your brother. And you're so talented Liam. I want him to see that."

That was partly true but also Trix had another secret reason that she hoped would come to fruition. Liam was an amazing singer but Oasis' songs were shite. Noel was an amazing songwriter but he didn't have a band. It was too perfect.


Noel frowned as Trix led him into the venue by taking his hand.

"Where you taking me now?"

"Liam was too scared to invite you. I want you to hear him sing."

Noel's eyes widened.

"Why? So is he any good?"

Trix looked at Noel evenly.

"He thinks the world of you you know and if you thought he was shite he'd really take it to heart so he was too scared to let you hear him sing. He's great the songs are pretty shit though. Please be nice and kind to him alright? I know you can be. This took a lot for him."

Noel nodded and Trix was surprised by his willingness to comply.

As Liam stepped out on stage there was an electric buzz around him. He never seemed nervous or like people staring at him phased him he just stared right back. There was something commanding, effortless and oddly peaceful about his presence on stage. He didn't need to fight for audience attention they gave it willingly. Everyone that saw him was enraptured by him and that was before he even started singing.

Trix gazed at Noel as he listened. His expression was unreadable but like everyone else in the room he was completely fascinated.

At the end of the gig as Liam sat on the edge of the stage of the small venue chatting with friends and fans whilst swigging out of a can of red stripe Noel made his way over to him.

Liam looked at him with a slight apprehension in his face but it was imperceptible if you didn't know him well.

Noel clapped him on the back and smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing like that?"

Liam shrugged shyly.

"I did. You didn't listen."

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