Merry Christmas Everybody

722 17 28

24th December 1987

"I can't believe you're actually doing this."

Trix bit her lip as Liam leant in the window of her car at his house.

"Are you sure you won't come with me?"

Liam smiled.

"I'd go anywhere with you. 5 hours in an enclosed space with him on the way back up though? No thanks."

Trix rolled her eyes at him.

"Think this piece of shit will make it?"

Trix shoved him out of the car causing him to stumble back.

"Oi. This is the best I could afford it'll make it."

Trix looked around her car proudly. She'd managed to find it cheap and with few miles on it considering it was almost 8 years old. Her dad knew someone from work that wanted shot of their old astra and she'd benefitted. The tape deck still worked and it was a metallic olive green that she thought suited her.

"Drive safe." Said Liam meaningfully.

Trix nodded.

"See you tomorrow morning bright and early."

Trix popped a cassette in and let her mind wander as each mile brought her further from home and closer to Noel. She was nervous and excited about the drive but mostly she was nervous to see him.


Noel let the cigarette smoke coil around his throat until he exhaled slowly. It was freezing. The roads were icy. He'd heard on the traffic news on the radio that driving conditions weren't good. His stomach knotted as he thought of Trixie. It was stupid. He should never have let her come all this way for him. And yet he was powerless to stop her. Trixie was stubborn and strong willed when she wanted to be. She was coming all this way for...him. Why?

Noel felt oddly emotional as he waited outside the venue watching his breath fog in the air. Christmas had always been a shit time. He hated it. But she loved it. Always had. Seeing her all lit up on Christmas day almost made the season bearable for him. He remembered how she'd decorate the house in tinsel and twinkle lights and how the glow coming off her was brighter than any Christmas tree he'd seen before or since. After Christmas Dinner she used to stand in the living room recreating ridiculous dance routines with Liam. A smile touched his lips as he remembered her tinkling laughter that was sweeter than any festive bell.

These past few months, with Trixie visiting him so often, they'd gotten closer than they'd ever been. He actually looked forward to her visits and missed her whenever she couldn't make it. She lit up a room when she was in it. It was like she fizzed and sparkled almost. Noel couldn't think of another way to describe what she did. He liked that after she left he could still smell her perfume in his house. Intoxicating and sweet. He thought about the way her chocolate brown gaze would deepen as she gazed at him. The warmth of her smile. The way she'd crack jokes, sometimes at his expense, always made him smile. They had a similar dry sense of humour and she didn't take herself too seriously. He felt the absence of her all around him when she wasn't there. She made every room so bright that when she left it it seemed darker than it ever had before. He liked being around her. He...liked her. Noel's stomach flip flopped at the realisation. Oh no no. Not this. Not now. Anything but this.

She was too young, too good, too everything. And Liam was right to have made him promise not to kiss her. Wait...did he want to kiss her? He shuddered. She was a kid. Not anymore, he reminded himself. He liked when she wore this white top she had. It really showed off her figure. He hadn't really thought about how much he liked it until now. He hadn't allowed himself. He thought of the soft, freckled skin across her chest, the hint of a lacy white bra strap resting on her shoulder, the long delicate line of her neck, her perfume and shampoo swirling around his head when she'd sit close. He thought about brushing his lips against the tender junction between her neck and shoulder and he felt pleasurable warm tingles spread throughout his body as he imagined slowly slipping her bra strap off her shoulder feeling the lace between his fingers, reaching his hand around to touch...wait...what? He shook his head and swallowed thickly. When had this happened? How had he not noticed? Cool it. It had just been a while since he'd been with a girl that was all. Right? She treated him as she did Liam. No different. Liam had once said she'd "fancied him". But that was years ago and there had been no proof of that so he should just forget that weird thought hed just had and never think about her like that again... Soft, pink, petal lips latching onto his, her glasses bumping into his face... Fucking hell.

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