24hr Party People

670 13 23

February 26th 1988

Trix stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom being jostled by women trying to reapply their mascara. The Inspirals had been on, they were quite good, not her usual music but good. She had to move quick if she wanted to talk to him but she was scared. He hadn't seen her yet and she'd only glimpsed him at side stage. It was a real mix of fashion and music styles tonight. The Happy Mondays were on now. Some people were going mad for them but she didn't get it. Was a bit loud and shouty and weird if you asked her.

She glanced around the women in the bathroom as she applied gloss to her lips. Some women wore sparkly bikinis with High waisted denims, others baggy Adidas jumpers and cargos. Trix had opted for high waisted jeans and a white cropped blouse with quite daring, for her, ties at the side which showed off the white lace of her bra. Apparently she looked "Exactly like Belinda Carlisle but with glasses." which she'd take with a pinch of salt as the man who had told her this was already heavily intoxicated.

"Love your top." Said a woman to her right in a sequinned bikini top and tight black jeans.

Trix smiled at her.

"Thanks. I like yours too. Who you here to see?"

She shrugged.

"No one really. I'm sort of seeing the guitarist from The Inspirals but I'm not sure about him."

She said with a shrug.

Trix's ears perked up.

"I was here to see them too! My friends roadieing for them right n-"

Her eyes widened and she laughed.

"The Chief? He's funny. I like him. Bit shy and weird looking and that but nice. Bagged a good one."

Trix shook her head finding herself blushing.

"Just a friend. You think he's weird looking?"

She hesitated then nodded.

"A bit. He's got mad eyebrows and a crooked nose. Nice eyes and smile and that though. I just meant compared to you he's a bit...plain. You're gorgeous, bit like Belinda Carlisle...anyone ever tell you that before?"

She began to hum 'I get Weak' as she reapplied her lipstick.

Trix laughed. She liked this woman. How odd. She'd never thought of herself as looking pretty. Or that Noel looked plain.

"Thanks...I think. Not till tonight and heard it twice. No relation. I can assure you. I'm Trix."

The woman smiled.

"Angie. Come back stage with me I'll get you in."

She took her hand and Trix felt her stomach drop.

"Oh no! Please he don't know I'm coming and I think maybe he's fallen out with me and-"

Angie grinned.

"All the more reason. C'mon."

Trix's heart was in her mouth as Angie led her back no questions asked. Roadies and band members jostled to get out to the bar and they had to fight against the grain.

"Ay Angie what you drinking again?"

Trix froze. It was Noel's voice but she couldn't see him yet.

"Bacardi and coke. Get one for my friend too. I'll get next round."

The narrow corridor cleared and she got bumped forward by a guy behind her.

She watched Noel's eyes widen on her. He looked completely flustered.

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