You Do Something To Me

420 11 1

January 1995

Trix had been at awards ceremonies before on Creation's guest list. But tonight was different. Tonight was the first that Oasis would attend and she was in charge of making sure "nothing got out of hand". Cheers Alan. Some gig. With Liam in that equation she'd already resigned herself to him being splashed across the papers tomorrow. She couldn't help that. It was just Liam.

Trix had arrived early and waited inside to avoid paparazzi flashbulbs. She watched Noel arrive with his girlfriend. Blonde, classy. She looked at him adoringly. Trix's heart twisted in her chest. Maybe Liam was wrong about her and just saying bad things about Meg to make her feel better? They looked happy. Noel looked polished and smart in all black. His hair was short and neat. Liam matched him in all black with his trademark round sunglasses.

She watched Blur arrive also. Damon looking handsome in a cream Fred Perry bomber. His blonde hair carefully tousled. His arm was around the beautifully androgynous Justine Frischman of Elastica. Trix watched them grateful to be hidden away from sight but also a little jealous. Was she always meant to be here and not out there? Hidden away watching other people live their lives like a little secret. She didn't want that life but then she didn't want that life out there either so where did she belong exactly?

The ceremony went off with barely any hitches. Liam and Noel had taken lots of gear and had too many pints but nothing crazy. She kept out of the way backstage even though she had a spot at a table out front. She didn't want things to be awkward. She hadn't spoken to Noel properly in a long time. This was their night. Oasis won best newcomers and Blur pretty much cleared the board for everything else. She was happy for both of them.

"Come on out and drink with us. Not seen you all night." Slurred Liam as he put his arm around her and waved their award around.

Trix grinned and shook her head.

"I'm working that's why. I can't get drunk and high with you!"

Liam wiggled his brows.

"Avoiding Noel and his bird and your new squeeze and his bird more like."

Trix flushed and Liam poked her cheek.

"You give yourself away like that."

The press came and took them for photo ops. Blur and Oasis. Together. Not a good idea. Trix had been hoping to stay in the background. She'd managed to avoid Noel until now and Damon. But Liam had other ideas.

"Fuck off. Nah. I'm not getting my picture with that cunt. He can fuck off!" Shouted Liam.

He was moments away from kicking off big time. Trix had seen him do it enough times to know. Damon was keeping his cool and being nothing but polite about the whole thing. Great. Nice one Liam.

"Oi! You c'mere right now!" Shouted Trix as she managed to clear a path with only her voice. She dragged Liam away avoiding the stares directed at her by a room full of press, musicians and celebrities.

She pulled Liam into the hall and looked at him sternly.

"You better go back in there and sort that out without throwing any punches. I mean it. Alan put me in charge of things not getting out of hand. My job's on the line because of you acting like a twat."

Liam shoved her off him.

"I'm not acting like a twat. He's a fucking cunt and I'm not posing for some photo op to sell papers. No fucking way."

Trix nodded.

"I get that Liam. It's shit. But its what you've got to do now you've made it. I know you can't be fucked with all this public image stuff and neither can I but it's my job and it's me that'll need to clean your mess up in the morning."

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