Do I Love You?

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AN: spicy content peppered throughout. Skip and avoid at own risk. Also one UK slang homophobic slur word used typical of the time.

May 1988

Trix and Liam were lying on his bedroom floor like they did most Saturdays. A joint shared between them and a record playing. Trix had been busy with college, uni decisions and most wonderfully and surprising of all, Noel.

She went to his house most days after college and they'd even been on a few dates over the past two months. Sometimes to see a film or for dinner. It was nice and she felt oddly grown up doing things like that with him. She loved spending time with him no matter what they were doing. In his bed feeling his skin on hers as they whispered sweet nothings to each other or just simply sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea, their arms around each other.

Trix blushed as she remembered a conversation they had had yesterday while his arm was wrapped around her as they lay on the couch.

Trix gazed at him and frowned. He looked far away maybe even slightly nervous.

"You alright? You look serious."

Noel gazed at her evenly his eyes flicking downwards nervously.

"I know that we're not really sure what this is yet but I just want to let you know that there hasn't been anyone else and I don't plan on seeing anyone else since we've...started this."

Trix smiled softly at his nervous expression. She knew it took a lot of nerve for Noel to put himself out there.

"Same here. So like does that mean this is sort of a boyfriend, girlfriend thing then?"

Noel nodded.

"If you want to call it that then...yeah."

Trix smiled and kissed him softly.

"Alright then."

She smiled at the memory as she stared at Liam's ceiling.

Spending time apart was becoming more and more difficult. She wanted to do something special for him. It was his birthday. Liam would need to help her. She felt awful about what she was doing especially considering that if Liam knew it was Noel he would point blank refuse to help and probably never speak to her again. They would need to start telling people soon and stop sneaking around. She felt she was leading a double life. Her life with Noel and her life outside Noel. How would they tell people? She felt sick. Liam wouldn't react well. Before she could even consider how to begin telling people Liam took it out of her hands.

"You look different lately." Said Liam as he looked at her intently.

Trix turned to face him with a frown.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

Liam shrugged.


"Like I did my hair different or something cause I've not?"

Liam smiled and shook his head.

"Nah not like that. You just seem happier and I dunno like you feel really pretty or something? Like you know when you see a bird that knows she's really fit walking down the street all confident and that? That kinda thing."

Trix laughed.


Liam shrugged.

"You're welcome. So...who is he?"

Trix paled and felt her stomach knot anxiously. She'd been stupid to think she could get away for it even this long keeping a secret from Liam. She hated it.

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