Chapter 14

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Yurken, Cignus

In the morning, the sun's rays blanketed the city, casting a warm glow. The streets bustled with people, and the urban landscape was filled with the hustle and bustle of traffic, both cars and trams zigzagging through the streets, bringing the city to life.

Inside the gubernatorial office, a group of individuals had gathered due to an unknown situation unfolding on the border. Airstrikes and military operations were ongoing in an attempt to locate and confirm the existence of a seemingly impossible entity - a large, muscular humanoid with wings capable of flight, defying the laws of physics and science.

"This bulky son of a... Um, an actual thing? It does bear a resemblance to the accounts given by Zamia and the others," I remarked as my lackeys stood before me, their expressions serious and expectant.

Nathan continued his report, "Yes, its initial target was the fortified town of Kreme, and there's another location we have yet to verify. Airstrikes were launched to neutralize it, but unfortunately, the creature disappeared."

I nodded in understanding and then muttered a comment to myself, "Looks like a pre-rework Galio, but uglier." My comment seemed to confuse those in the room, prompting me to quickly dismiss it with a casual, "Never mind." I shifted my focus to the photos of the devastated fortified town, noting the sheer destruction that this entity had wrought, likely with pure brute strength rather than magic.

"What's my next appointment?" I asked Nathan, prompting him to quickly check his papers.

"Today is..." he began, and then a surprised expression crossed my face.

"Holy shit," I exclaimed, but in doing so, earning a disapproving glare from Nathan. "They actually pulled it off? It's barely a month since I ordered it."

Before my eyes, a familiar aircraft resembling Russian Sukhoi Su-27 jets appeared, albeit on a much smaller scale. It was a PJ-II Dreamer copycat, a ducted fan aircraft designed to mimic the Russian planes it was based on. The aircraft had a sleek, pure white silhouette with the logo of the Cignus Science University prominently displayed on its tail.

Presently, we're currently at the Amberjack Airstrip, one of the newly constructed dirt runways in the province. I had ordered its construction, intending it for rugged transport aircraft and helicopters. Our fighter jets were too delicate to handle dirt and soft runways anyways.

Interestingly, the airstrip was conveniently close to the university, approximately two kilometers away. I had granted permission for the university's students, faculty, and staff to use it as their exclusive testing ground for their experimental aircraft. This was part of a stop-gap measure to maintain our aerial capabilities in new world, without major industries to support our receding technological level. I had expected this initiative to take at least six months, if not a year, so I was quite surprised by the rapid progress.

A group of individuals in teacher uniforms, all bearing the logo of Cignus Science University, approached us. The leader stepped forward and greeted me warmly. "Governor, it's a pleasure to meet you once more," he said. "I am Henderson, the head of this project."

"Mister Henderson, the pleasure is mine," I replied politely. "Shall we get down to business?" I wasted no time.

"Of course, Governor. It's an honor for me to introduce the F/A-1 Falcon, our homegrown aircraft. It can be produced at an unprecedented rate and assembled and repaired with garage-level support," Henderson said proudly.

"Ho, big words," I chuckled, prompting the smug Henderson to respond.

"I say this with confidence, Governor. We're on the doorstep of mass-producing them in large numbers. By the end of the year, you won't have to worry about the air force running out of aircraft due to a lack of spare parts and technical support. Even if we're cut off from the mainland and sent to another world," he said, playing the role with enthusiasm that I couldn't help but find amusing. It was like a roleplay.

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