Chapter 2

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Cignus Provincial Capitol, Yurken

In the city of Yurken, which is brimming with life. 200,000 people live here, or nearly 1/7th of the over-all population of Cignus.

The most visible situation here, however, is the scattered checkpoints left and right, with nearly 3,000 soldiers and police officers garrisoned in the city. The reason is that Yurken is only 20 kilometers away from the border, which is filled with unknown landscapes and mysteries, and as the seat of the capital of the province and its economic and political heart, the forces defending here are overkill in terms of common sense of peace sheltered citizens here.


Governor's office

"Ugh, damn, I'm going to take care of over 1.5 million people under my wing?." I frowned at the numbers that I needed to guide and protect in this unknown world where I reincarnated. But the thing that shocked me first when I returned to my office was the realization that this region is a part of the Legrand Republic, the nation I made in a game called Conflict of State: VRMMO.

"At least they should gave me the capital region because of the fuck tons of industrial complexes and military bases I built there! Why the heck did they reincarnate me with just a mere frontier province?! " I exclaimed In exasperation, my capital region has a nuclear silo nearby, and that region has a population of over 40 million, of which a third of it is staying in Legrand City, my nation's capital. The military, population, industry, all of it essential for survival, is already there, but the thing I got is only a frontier province peppered with nothing worth mentioning.

Then my office phone rings, interrupting my tantrum. "Hello?" I answered.

"Governor, the papers you wanted are here. May I enter your office?"

"Ah yes."

Then I unlocked the door through my computer. It's high-tech as I didn't allow anyone to my side at the moment as I researched about who I am, this country, and the situation of this province.

"So Nathan? How's the situation in the border?."

"Nothing urgent, but we are doubling the combat patrol to prevent any beast from that unknown forest from attacking our people, and as you ordered, we are already implementing the 7 pm curfew not just in the border areas but also throughout the province."

"Sounds nice." I then began to open the papers. I asked about all of the major military assets and their inventory of ammunition and spare parts.

"SEPECAT Jaguar 18 operational, 5 under maintenance, and 8 unserviceable. L-159 ALCA numbers 36 operational and non-operational... F-5 II and F-20 Tigershark numbered 25 operational and 11 unserviceable. Nathan, can we return the unserviceable aircraft to service? "

"I'm afraid I don't have the knowledge, Governor. Vice-Air Marshall Brandon said they are considering cannibalizing them for spare parts, but they didn't say if they could return them to service."

That's too bad. I really wanted to increase the number of combat aircraft at least by 5, but the number of spare parts is not replenishable and there's no large-scale industrial complex that could be used or converted to produce aircraft components. Except for the coal, tin, iron, and copper mines, a fish processing plant, and the liquefied petroleum gas plant, excluding the inactive oil refiner platform, there is no hope of producing military or proper civilian-use hardware. There's only a port of a decent size with an oil terminal, a bunch of containers, and a huge ass amount of ammonium nitrate in storage... Wait? Ammonium nitrate?

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