Chapter 7

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Warning: Inappropriate theme in last part with profanity I guess.


In the shade of unmaintained streets In  the slums, a series of metallic clang of chains bound in the necks of people with heavy bruises and unpalatable treatment are in display. They are people who been judged as witches and demon worshippers. People in the slums only looked at them with indifference as their screaming empty stomachs are more important than caring about people who will going to die for good and will no longer taste hell in the land of livings.

Kids aged from 5 to 15, old people of over 50 years old and even female are being bound to be burned alive after be whipped by the suffering and affected people in the ever worsening drought in the country. The famine already being widespread, their harvested crops are too insufficient to feed the mouths of tens of millions. They are forced to do something illegal or to the point of cannibalism. Not mentioning the so-called witch hunt and Inquisition against demon worshippers, the border wars the country fought is piling more deaths for the years of constant international turmoil.

"Hey did you hear about Mineas?." The information and news about the supposed monsters in Mineas finally reached the rural areas in the frontier and passed to down to slums as the people here have nothing to do other than being desperate to get a job and money.

"On what?."

"They said there's fire dragons there, a large scale expedition is being assembled to hunt it down." On request of Varanasi, large scale expedition are being assembled to slay and hunt it down. Also, this helps the Valur to ease the internal problems by sending people to expedition by enticing them with money. However, there's a catch, they will only get it once the mission is over and likely half of them will die thus saving some cost for the nobles of Valur to pay. Though Valurian nobles are entitled to feed their recruits for the entire mission.


"They are giving 1 gold per head they said."

"C'mon can we join?."

"Yeah, that's what we are planning in. If we managed to kill it, we will be hailed as dragon slayers."

"Sure thing." Like them, many people are being pulled in this trade of life, money and fame that mostly spelled their dooms.

3 weeks later

A band of over ten thousand recruits, two thousand Imperial Army soldiers, and two hundred knights are gathering at Fort Tiam, with one sole purpose, to hunt down the dragon that reigning terror in the frontier. "Twelve thousand brave souls of Valur! We shall embarking in dangerous yet chivalrous mission to strike down the monsters that threatening our people!." Varanasi stepped up in front of large army, whom never considered this dangerous neither chivalrous. He has two hundred fine knights of Valurian knight order that one of them is equal to 20 enemy footmen, means this number is nearly equivalent to four thousand strong despite their feeble number, as their motto say, quality over quantity, and they have already a track record of slaying dragons thus this kind of mission is not unusual. This boost Varanasi confidence to be successful on their mission, however, behind these words, he wanted something else and spotting of dragons only helped him achieve it as he has finally justification to launch a military campaign in Mineas forest.

"Now my gallant men! Our spears! Sword! Arrows! Guns! And resolve will slay this dragon and put them in place on who is truly the mightiest of all! And that's us! People of Valur!."

Thus, a large army finally begun to march at Mineas forest, unbeknownst to them on what hidden behind this unknown lands. With a wide grin, Varanasi gaze the large army for his glorious dragon slaying campaign and conquest of Mineas forest.

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