Chapter 10

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Several men, clad in dark clothing, were sprinting away from the direction of Cignus, their faces filled with fear and panic. These were the spies sent by Varanasi to observe and escort Guivani and his army detachment, keeping a watchful eye for any signs of betrayal or incompetence on his part. Their mission had taken them deep into the forest of Mineas, where they had encountered the Cignus Provincial escorts, who were heavily armed and wanted to make peaceful contact.

However, Guivani, following the emperor's decree to attack anyone on the forest of Mineas, had ordered his army to attack the Cignus forces without any reasoning or justification. Which ended, with the ragtag medieval army stood no chance against the modern weaponry and tactics of the 21st century. The Cignus forces fought back fiercely, and the spies found themselves caught in the crossfire.

Bullets whizzed past their heads, dozens of supersonic lead being thrown by snipers. The spies were deemed as hostiles by the Cignus Provincial escorts, despite being invisible to the naked eye due to their magic cloaks. They were unable to fool the thermal sights and were pitifully being hunted down like pigs.

The spies ran as fast as they could, their hearts pounding in their chests, their minds racing with fear and uncertainty.

As they ran deeper into the forest, the sounds of pursuit grew louder and closer. The trees whizzed past them in a blur as they ran, their legs aching and their breath coming in ragged gasps. They desperately searched for a place to hide, but the Cignus forces were relentless in their pursuit.

It's been an hour had passed since they had started running, but the sound of bullets whizzing through the air continued to haunt them. The forest was alive with the sound of gunfire, as if it was the only thing that mattered in the world. The group of spies continued to run for their lives, their faces filled with dread and fear.

Suddenly, one of them was hit by a 7.62mm DMR, and he fell to the ground, rolling in agony as blood gushed out of his left thigh. He screamed in pain, his voice echoing through the forest, but his comrades didn't bat an eyelid. They continued to run away from the place as fast as they could, leaving their unfortunate comrade behind.

The injured spy lay on the ground, writhing in pain, as the sound of gunfire grew fainter in the distance. He knew that he had been abandoned by his comrades, and he was now alone in the heart of the forest. His thigh was bleeding profusely, and he could feel his life slipping away.

He tried to call out for help, but his voice was weak, and it seemed as if no one was listening. He lay there, helpless and alone, waiting for the end to come. As the minutes ticked by, his breathing grew shallower, and his vision began to blurring.


He suddenly heard a loud explosion that rocked the earth, causing birds and animals to scatter in panic and the trees to sway from the shockwaves. He looked in the direction of his comrades and saw a barrage of streak of light heading their way before another round of powerful overlapping explosions engulfed the area.

At the same time, the spy noticed the bushes began to rustling, but he was too weak to check it or simply shout to ask who they were. He assumed it was either a monster or their enemies who had tracked them down. Before he lost consciousness, he heard someone shouting, "It's still alive! Jam! First aid! Quick!"

A few moments later, he regain some consciousness as he felt someone picking him up and carrying him away from the danger zone. He could hear the sound of footsteps and the rustling of bushes as his rescuers rushed him to safety. He was barely conscious, but he knew he was in good hands.

The next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground, surrounded by several people who were tending to his wounds. He saw that they were wearing dirty forest fatigues, similar to what barbarians used to wear, and almost identical to the group that the decimated army led by Guivani had encountered earlier while escorting those landships they had discovered. He was surprised that they had come to his rescue, considering that their army had attacked them earlier.

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