Chapter 9

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Varanasi camp

The army raised by Varanasi was majority undisciplined, as they were recruited from everywhere: slums, mercenary guilds, and criminal cells, you name it. They are presently painted as drunken warriors, which is a chaotic, depraved sight. On this cold night, the camp is filled with disturbing images of violence, inhumane treatment, and excess towards nonhumans. Winged people, half spiders and half snakes, are tortured ruthlessly, and winged people close to human body structures are often subjected to sexual assault at the hands of drunken soldiers. Laughter and rowdiness fill the air as the inebriated soldiers take whatever they please from the defenseless nonhuman women. It is a scene of unbridled anarchy and a reminder of the horrors of war from Terra if anyone from Cignus civilians and soldiers see this.

Under the cold breeze of night. In the tent of the general, he faced his trusted aide. Furthermore, before them are the shadow corps of the Empire. They're the assassins, and they double as the secret police of Valur. Which looks irritated at the same time due to the disturbing howl of drunken soldiers, chattering and singing bards.

"The monsters are gathering 170 kilometers south of Valur? What hope they can do? Preparing for a last stand or shelter from our army? Ridiculous."

"General... it's quite difficult to stretch our forces further, what should we do? With our small army, we can't clear the Mineas with just a meager ten thousand army."

"Truly, I already requested his grace, the Immortal Emperor to provide reinforcements here." Varanasi said while playing with his mustache as he gaze the moon shine bright on the darkness of the world. "Once we deal with Mineas, we shall move next to takeover Kashim, and the barbarians in the west. With that, we'll effectively controlling half of the continent... Prepare to send a detachment unit, move half of the knights to destroy them."


The army, led by Varanasi, deemed the gathering troublesome and prioritized its elimination. However, unbeknownst to them, something creepily silent was flying at an ultra-high altitude, observing and sailing in the cloudless, dark sky.


One of the few RQ-1 Predator medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial systems that have been sent together with the entirety of Cignus in another world is currently cruising at an altitude of over 10,000 meters above the cloudless night sky. These drones of Cignus are carefully checked over and over again, with numerous trials to prove their airworthiness and their credibility flying without GPS from satellites that lost contact the moment they were sent to another world.

The remote ground control system operators of Cignus, with the help of engineering battalions and technicians, barely put them in service to certify their worthiness and reduce the chance of operation lost during the mission.

It's one of the few means by which the province can project surveillance and reconnaissance missions beyond its borders. It slowly tilted to the right and returned back to Leipzig after completing its mission, completely unbeknownst to the Varanasi camp; none of them noticed it.

Yurken, Cignus
The next day, morning

"An estimated 11,000 armed men are currently spearheading the expansion in the Mineas Forest by the orders of General Varanasi with the decree of the Valurian Emperor Hashmal VI, burning anything to the ground, initiating mass genocide for non-humans, a possible human trafficking operation on the captured elves, and committing several heinous acts. We deemed after our brief meeting with the air force and intelligence office that they would likely going to attack any factions on their way, and likely our province too, so I am here to announce that we should intervene in this conflict. They are not known to be friendly with the natives in Mineas and the surrounding countries on this continent, the Valurians, without a second thought, will definitely attack us the moment they discover our existence."

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