All Might VS Shiny Chariot

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These mighty and shiny heroes are ready to clash with smiles on their faces in this epic season finale.


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Mario: All Might, the world's Symbol of Peace and Justice.

Mega Man: And Shiny Chariot, the stage preforming magical witch.

Sonic: Let's be honest here heroes are like rabbits. There everywhere.

Mega Man: Yeah everyone's seen them all the time they come from all different sizes rather their a superpowered alien or a man dressed like a bat, either way their everywhere.

Mario: But a true hero stands out for the crowd when they inspire others. And in the case of these two they not only inspire others but give the a driving force of never giving with a smile on their face and shared an example for the next generation.

Mega Man: Their Mario and Sonic and I'm Mega Man.

Mario: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

All Might

common, so-called Quirks, which can be trained at distinguished academies in hopes of becoming a superhero.

Sonic: Oh yeah superpowers are real and almost 80% of the world has them.

Mega Man: I know what you're thinking: "If everyone's got a power, then no one is super, right?" Except, most Quirks are really lame, like a balloon face or stretchy eyeballs. Ew.

Mario: Even then, there are some unlucky few who don't have any Quirk at all. You may already know one of these Quirkless: Izuku Midoriya.

Sonic: But before him, there came another, one who would change the world. His name is Toshinori Yagi.

Real name: Toshinori Yagi
Allies: All Might
Age: 49
Height: 7'2 | 220 cm
Weight: 562 lbs. | 255 kg
Former number one Pro-Hero
Instructor at U.A. High School
8th welder of One For All
Studied in Japan & USA
Trained by Nana Shimura & Gran Torino

Mega Man: Toshinori wasn't a pushover, though. Even without a superpower, he wanted to become the symbol of peace, and thanks to Pro Hero Nana Shimura, he found a way.

Mario: Shimura's Quirk had the unique ability to be directly passed on to a new user, and she saw something special in Toshinori.

Sonic: And thus he became the next welder of One For All.

Mega Man: An ultra-powerful Quirk that let him become that Symbol of Peace with a never-ending smile on his face, All Might!

All Might: I AM HERE!

One For All
Stockpiles power
Greatly increased physique
Smash techniques
          California Smash
          Carolina Smash
          Detroit Smash
          Missouri Smash
          Nebraska Smash
          New Hampshire Smash
          Oklahoma Smash
          Texas Smash
          United States of Smash

Mario: Now a truly remarkable hero, All Might quickly rose through the local rankings, but fame wasn't the reward he sought. He legitimately just wanted to help people.

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