Xion is remembered in DEATH BATTLE!

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Blaze: In his quest to awaken the X-Blade to reopen Kingdom Hearts and start the second Keyblade War, Master Xehanort has made several forces of Darkness known as the Heartless and Nobodies.

Daisy: A Nobody is basically somebody without a heart which is strange because... Oh never mind the series is so confusing.

Blaze: His Nobody, Xemnas is the leader of an organization of 13 Nobodies with their goal to awaken the X-Blade. This was Organization XIII. But despite having 13 people they SOMEHOW have a 14th member. This was Xion.

Daisy: Wow. You would think that an organization literally named "Organization XIII" would only have 13 members. But that's not the case here. So like does that mean it's Organization XIV now? I mean she's technically a 14th member so...

Blaze: Regardless Xion was introduced as a shy girl and is partnered up with fellow Organization member, Roxas.

Daisy: They even been on wacky adventures together and kicked some ass with the same Keyblade.

Blaze: Xion's Keyblade is called the Kingdom Key which lets her unlock doors, fire lasers, and cast magic.

Daisy: She can use fire, ice, thunder, wind, create barriers, and cure her wounds, she can even create a armor made of light and take the form of a light speed laser and shoot dozens of pillars of light from the sky.

Blaze: With these powers Roxas and Xion were quite the dynamic duo and even made friends with Axel who is also a member.

Daisy: They even sat on the roof at the top of a tower and ate some delicious sea salt ice cream with Axel. Aww this is the best trio ever.

Blaze: Oh yeah..... Because it's not like anything bad is going to happen am I right?

Daisy: Oh no... I know that voice.

Blaze: Despite her experiences in her life Xion was actually created as a replica.

Daisy: Alright bear with me here. You see Roxas was a Nobody to a boy name Sora who stabbed himself to save Kairi and was restored to life those actions created Roxas. Roxas was the only member to wield a Keyblade which is the power they needed to forge the entity known as Kingdom Hearts, but they didn't trust him so Xion was created to watch him. Sad story I must say.

Blaze: This was a reason why Xion resembled Kairi, also during this time Sora was sleeping for a year after the events of the first game and so on and Xion is something that's preventing him from having his memories.

Daisy: Damn imagine being in her shoes and finding out the reason of your existence. Kinda rough I must say.

Blaze: Yeah so true and it's about to get even worse but we won't talk about it here we'll talk about it next time so make sure you be on the lookout for the full episode of Celica VS Xion.

Blaze: Yeah so true and it's about to get even worse but we won't talk about it here we'll talk about it next time so make sure you be on the lookout for the full episode of Celica VS Xion

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