Alphonse Elric VS Nezuko Kamado

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Both siblings have turned into something that is not human forcing their older brothers to go on a journey and restore them. Only one survives.


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Tails: Alphonse Elric, the Armored Alchemist and brother of Edward.

Luigi: And Nezuko Kamado, the Chosen Demon and sister of Tanjiro.

Tails: They say there is no such thing as a fate worst than death.

Luigi: Well whoever said that clearly has been in the shoes of these two who literally lost almost all of their humanity and became something else because their living proof that such fate worst than death exists. He's Tails and I'm Luigi.

Tails: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

Alphonse Elric

Tails: In a world where people can manipulate alchemy lived two boys Edward Elric and his little brother Alphonse.

Full name: Alphonse Elric
Height: 5'10/ 178 cm (Human) 7'3/ 221 cm (Armor)
Weight: N/A (Human) Heavy (Armor)
Age: 17
Codename: Armored
Military rank: Maj. State Alchemist
Younger brother of Edward Elric
Somehow often mistaken for the Fullmetal Alchemist

Luigi: Yeah the two were your average everyday kids but unlike most alchemist who only use a circle to perform alchemy Ed and Al can just clap their hands and alchemy is made.

Tails: But their lives would change on the day their mother died.

Luigi: Yeah dear old mama died of some kind of sickness leaving the Elric brothers all alone. Desperate to bring their mother back to life they used alchemy to perform a human transmutation to do so.

Tails: Unfortunately it turns out to be a taboo as it's an unforgivable sin to use alchemy to revive the human soul.

Luigi: So they suffered the consequences Ed lost his left leg but Al suffered the worst consequences: He lost his whole body. Damn talk about a date worst than death.

Tails: Fortunately for Al, Ed was able to transmute Al's soul in an armored body but at the cost of his right arm.

Luigi: Damn how many body parts does Ed have to lose here? Like good God.

Tails: Realizing their mistake Edward and Alphonse went on a journey to restore their bodies. By joining the State Alchemists Ed and Al's journey begins.

Luigi: Yeah which is apparently led by Hitler.

Arsenal & Abilities
Armored body
Made of gunmetal steel
Blood Rune
Jujutsu martial arts
Soul Binding
Philosopher's Stone
Gate of Truth

Tails: Just like his brother, Al can use alchemy without a transmutation circle while in his new body it took him a while he was able to obtain that ability. He can create houses, swords, destroy things, and put them back together only limit is his imagination.

Luigi: Thanks to his new body Alphonse he is super tough and can take stabbings, gunshots, literally anything that can kill a normal human being and be totally fine I mean he doesn't have a human body but not having that has it's advantages, not feeling pain, hunger, or fatigue, and being immortal, like he's literally a goddamn suit of armor with nobody wearing it! No wonder people mistake him for Edward.

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