Voldemort VS Orochimaru

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Harry Potter VS Naruto. Wizard VS Ninja. These two villains who are immortal, considered not human, and have a snake like appearance abilities will clash


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Dr. Eggman: Lord Voldemort, the most feared Dark Wizard.

Bowser: And Orochimaru, the Great White Snake Sannin.

Dr. Eggman: Villains such as these two have always sought immortality we know this because we're villains ourselves.

Bowser: But the way the got their immortality is basically to become beyond human as possible. He's Eggman and I'm Bowser.

Dr. Eggman: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

Lord Voldemort

Dr. Eggman: Endless destruction, countless dead, a plot to conquer the planet. The wizarding world was at war.

Bowser: For the second time. What dastardly mastermind could've been behind all this?! He'd have to be a galaxy-brained 5D chessmaster! Or a man so powerful his existence alone was enough to make people shit their pants and run.

Dr. Eggman: You are correct Bowser, this man not only orchestrated this war in the first place but he was so terrifying that everyone refused to say his name: Lord Voldemort.

Real name: Tom Marvolo Riddle
Height: 6'3" (190.5cm)
Weight: N/A
Age: 71
Birthdate: December 31 1926
Deathdate: May 2 1998
House: Slytherin
Half-Blood Wizard
Leader of the Death Eaters
Allies: You-Know-Who, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named

Bowser: Out of all the dark wizards he's killed thousands of people without breaking a sweat and he's got those killer ass spells.

Dr. Eggman: But before he was Lord Voldemort he was a young boy who's life was terrible from the start he was known as Tom Riddle. Who was taken to an orphanage after being abandoned by his father and mother. Basically the woman was a witch who had an obsession crush on a rich muggle boy (a normal human being) and placed a love potion that forced him to fall in love with her and then he came back to his senses and left her alone.

Bowser: Imagine finding out the reason why you were born is because your mom had a crush on your dad and wanted some have some sexy time with him so she cast a spell to force him to fall in love with her then she makes him fuck her to the point when they got pregnant with you and then she stopped giving him love spells and then your dad ditched you and your mom so your mom decided to ditch you too.... And people say psychopaths are born. Anyways Tom was born with magical abilities that he would use on kids that annoyed him.

Dr. Eggman: Tom was eventually invited to a magical place by it's headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

Bowser: It was there that he was invited to a school that teaches magic and out to us wands the greatest school in fictional history: Hogwarts. And head was definitely the top student in his time so much so he was invited to a club for great wizards and witches.

Dr. Eggman: But despite all the success and achievements at Hogwarts deep down inside Tom was the closest thing to the Devil on Earth. With a desire for immortality and world domination.

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