Ganondorf VS Nightmare

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Battle of the demonic, sword-wielding villains. Which one of the two reincarnations of ultimate evil will triumph?


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Dr. Eggman: Ganondorf, the calamitous Demon King of Hyrule from The Legend of Zelda.

Bowser: And Nightmare, the demonic scourge from Soulcalibur.

Dr. Eggman: These two are without a doubt some of the deadliest video game tyrants of their worlds.

Bowser: But what happens if these two dangerous beings clash? He's Eggman and I'm Bowser.

Dr. Eggman: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.


Dr. Eggman: Millenia ago, in an age long past, the demon king Demise threatened to pull the world into blood and war.

Bowser: Until he got his ass slapped by this pointy-eared boy in green.

Dr. Eggman: Undaunted by being, y'know, murdered, Demise cursed the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero to be forever haunted by his wrath made flesh. That curse became Ganondorf Dragmire.

Full Name: Ganondorf Dragmire
Height: 7'6"/228.6 cm
Weight: Approx. 291 lbs/132 kg
Know as the Great King of Evil
Incarnation of Demise's hatred
First male Gerudo in 100 years
Mentally damaged with each reincarnation
Enjoys playing the pipe organ

Bowser: Good ol' Dorf was born to the Gerudo Tribe of the Desert. Thing is, the Gerudo were all ladies and Ganondorf was the first male born in a hundred years, which automatically made him their king, because... reasons, I guess? Wait, wait, so he gets to be in charge and has the best odds on Tinder? That's my dream come true! Who could want more?

Dr. Eggman: Ganondorf could. Jealous of the neighboring kingdom of Hyrule's verdant fields, clean water, and not being a godforsaken desert, he dreamed of a better world for his people.

Bowser: Or you know, just for himself. Being the reincarnation of ultimate evil means you're probably kind of a selfish douche. But hey who could blame him as a villain who's also jealous of another certain kingdom I'd probably feel the same way.

Dr. Eggman: And surprisingly, his vile ambitions would be rewarded. Turns out, he was also preternaturally adept at magic, as befits an education from his caretakers, the witches Koume and Kotake.

Abilities & Arsenal
       Sword of the Sages
       Sword of Demise
       Dark Trident
Magical lightning
Mind possession and manipulation
Transmutation and duplication
Monster summoning
Twilight magic
Malice Magic
Warlock Punch
Gerudo Dragon
Flame Choke
Wizard's Foot
Dark Dive
Dark Fists
Dark Vault
Magic Sphere
Lightning Storm
Phantom Rider conjuring

Bowser: From them, Dorf learned to pitch balls of electricity, summon lightning, move objects with telekinesis, levitate, form barriers, and control minds!

Dr. Eggman: When he wishes to fight from a distance, he can create phantom horsemen or puppets of himself to battle as his proxies.

Bowser: Or if he wants to get personal, he can use his dark magic to enhance his physical strikes, making him a badass at all ranges.

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