Chapter 38

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Hi Guys! I know it's been very long but here is the new chapter for you. 

Thank you for staying with me for so long.

P.S not edited.


Widisha POV

Three days have passed since the horrible night, Raj is back to his usual self. He just comes in to place the food and leave without any word, he is like a ticking time bomb and, I cannot wait to become his victim again. I don't have any hope that anyone can trace me down so I need to act by myself.

I was never good at it keeping my anxiety at bay, my hands were shaking as I started to put on my warm clothes. There is this tiny voice inside my head that keeps bothering me "what if I fail? What will be the repercussion". I shook the thought away, I need to focus as this may be my only chance to escape.

I know it is pretty early or else I would have heard Raj in the kitchen.

Breath, 1...2...3.....4....5... somewhat I felt clam. I thought about my parents, I cannot put them through any more pain because I am a coward to step up for myself. Vansh......he must be blaming himself, I can't imagine what his family must be going through again. Chris, Sam, Abhi ..........ahh, I shouldn't have fallen into the trap, it was all my fault all mine. Fresh tears roll down my cheeks but I quickly rubbed them with my sleeves now is not the time for self-guilt, I need to act quickly.

I rechecked everything mentally—warm clothes, jacket, and jeans along with running shoes. The last thing I want is to die out in the forest because of hypothermia. I had stuffed four apples in my jacket and a few nuts something is better than nothing. I am not sure whether Raj has noticed that my plates were empty these days, unlike the other days. Lastly, I am standing near the door waiting for it to open with a flower vase in my hand. I just need to hit him enough to knock him off not to kill him. The vase was made out of brass, I guess Raj never thought I could go up to this level.

It was about time, I could hear faint noises in the kitchen, he is was just a matter of some time before he will open this door. My hands were shaking with fear, and I felt like throwing up. The noises stopped, and I could hear faint footsteps. Ok, it's now and never. I held on my breath and waited patiently as he opened the door, I took a deep breath and hold the vase tightly among my fingers. I was standing right behind the door and kept the shower on just to give me that chance for a few seconds. I saw him walk toward the table to place my food down, this was my time to act. I tiptoed silently before he could turn back.....bam.

I hit him, I did....blood, he was bleeding. Oh God did I kill no please don't please be alive, the vase fell out from my hands as I panicked.

"Widisha.." It was a painful moan....he was still lying on the floor facing down... He is alive, yes..yes he is alive, it's now or never.

I dashed out towards the door, I guessed it right, the kitchen was round the corner. I saw a knife resting on the tabletop, I had not planned for it but I did grab the knife and run towards the main door. To my luck it was open...I jumped up in happiness.

"Widisha.........don't you dare to run away from me, I swear I will hunt you down and this time I won't be nice". I could hear his screams.

Without wasting any time I ran out of the house, he was not lying we are in the middle of the jungle. No doubt the police were not able to trace me down. I have a good couple of minutes before he will be able to get back on his feet, I need to make the most of it. I randomly decided to take the left and I ran. My adrenaline pumped up, the weather was freezing but I was sweating, I ran and ran. It was like a do-or-die situation for me and I cannot let him take me back to that hellhole again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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