Chapter 35

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The new chapter is updated.

P.S not edited.


"Hello! My angel. Missed me?"

That voice, I don't need to turn around to know whose voice it was. Raj, he was back. The familiar fear burned within me which I had trapped inside me for so long.

"Breathe, breathe you are in a public place he can't do anything" I chanted myself.

He pulled the chair and sat in front of me. His face was plastered with a big smile, his eyes were darker than before. For others, he might be a charming person but only I could make out the insanity that lies behind that face.

"What do you want Raj?" I asked, surprisingly my words didn't stammer.

"I see my angel has turn brave huh?" He said smirking.

I ignored him completely and got up from my chair. I can easily walk inside the college, it's full daylight with students all around. He would not dare to pull up any stunt here.

"You know angel when someone has come from so far to meet you, at least you should show some courtesy with a cup of coffee". My heart was hammering faster inside my chest with every passing second but I managed to keep on a brave face, ignored him, and walked out of the café.

"Your childhood friend what's her name .......hmmmm Sonia right?? She is very beautiful I must say". I froze on my spot.

"What did you say?"I hissed as I turned around.

"Chill angel, I just said she is very beautiful". He said smirking with both of his hands up in the air.

"Since I have your attention now, I want to talk with you in private so come with me angel".

"You think I am that stupid, after the last incident and the mental torture you have put me through, I will come with you anywhere. I suggest you should leave or it will take only a second for me to gather people to beat your ass up". I was fuming from inside, he dares to bring my best friends into his stupid game.

"Feisty I see, I like that very much. I wonder in what else you will be feisty". He said with his stupid smirk still glued on his face.

Something inside me was saying to walk back into the college as fast I could, I don't know it was my instinct that was poking me constantly but I regret not listening to it.

"Sonia she is an interesting girl quite opposite from you, yet you two are so close. I have quite a good number of snaps of her.". With every word, he said his face was turning into the devil of my nightmare. He got up and walked towards me and handed me his phone.

There were dozens of pictures of her, college, gym, market, club, everywhere she went she had someone following her. All my act of bravery was flushed out in a fraction of a second while sliding through each photograph, with shaky hands I returned him his phone.

"Now angel I guess I have your complete attention".

"What do you want?" I whispered.

"You can come with me quietly and no harm will come to your friend or you can walk away but then the consequence of that will be on you totally". I had no voice to reply to him, just a nod. He is insane and I can let him drag my best friend into this matter.

We walked towards his car, I was praying silently that someone would stop him, anyone please... but alas only if prayers were answered on the spot.

I was sweating, I know my blood pressure had gone up because of the fear, my stomach kept on knotting, and the feeling of nausea was at its peak. I was on the verge of having a massive panic attack.

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