Chongyun POV:

That didn't go well.. Bennett was trying to calm Razor down and Xingqiu looked like he had zoned out, maybe all the yelling has brought back a bad memory? I went over to him to check if he was ok,

"Xingqiu, are you alright?" I whispered,

He seemed to snap put of a daydream,

"Uh.. yeah.. are you?" He returned,

"Yeah I'm... fine." I whispered, I wasn't really, I felt so bad, I should've known Razor would get upset like this, especially since Bennett had been upset too. Usally when he starts to get worked up Bennett just smiles and reassures him, but I guess he couldn't do that when he was crying..

I went back over to Razor and tried one last time to fix everything,

"Razor, I know I made you sad... I know I made Bennett sad.. but I promise you I'm never going to leave for that long again. I'll be back at school after summer and then everything will be back to normal again! Wouldn't you like that?" I spoke,

Razor looked up at me with a newfound look of hope in his eyes,

"Everything.. normal again? I want everything normal again.." he slightly smiled,

"Yes. Everything will be normal again." I reassured,

Razor stood up, he was a little bit wobbly but Bennett stabilised him,

"Chongyun and Xingqiu and benny and Razor all back to normal again." He confirmed.. I think..

Bennett smiled a little, causing Razor to smile big, he then hugged me with one of his big Razor hugs, they were rare since he hated being touched but they were nice,

After that Bennett asked if he could speak to me alone, a wave of anxiety washed over me, it may not seem like it but Razor is much more forgiving then Bennett.. because when Razor forgives you, he genuinely does but when Bennett forgives you.. you'll never know if he's actually forgiven you or if he's just pretending to avoid conflict. Like back in 8th grade when one of our old friends, Royce, ended up leaving us and talking shit about him with the 'popular' kids, he apoligised after a while but Bennett never really forgave him, not at all.

"Are you going to keep that promise?" He asked me,


"Your promise, you just said that you aren't ever going to leave us for that long again, do you actually mean that?"

"Yeah.. Bennett.. I know I really fucked up.. and I should've called you but... I just need you to understand how much was going on!"

"It doesn't matter how much was going on Chongyun, you could've talked to us!"

"Think about it this way, imagine if Razors father suddenly came back, turned out to be abusive as fuck, hut you around the head with a glass vase then went to jail and got broken out by the fucking balladeer who then kidnapped Razor. Would your first priority really be to call me and let me know what happened?"

He looked down,

"No.. it would be to find him and make sure he was ok... I'm sorry... I just really hate seeing Razor upset..."

"It's ok, I'd do the same if it was Xingqiu, but please, all I ask is that you forgive me."

"Alright.. you're forgiven.." he smiled,

We walked back into bennetts room to see Xingqiu reading Razor a book about wolves,

We spent the rest of the day just hanging out like we used to and the tension had pretty much dissapeared by the time we decided it was time to go home,

We waved goodbye to Razor and Bennett before going to the bus stop,

We sat there as the sun set, the next bus wasn't going to be here for 20 more minutes so we tried to get comfy.

Suddenly I felt Xingqiu lay his head on my shoulder,

"Do you remember when we first met.. we sat at the bus stop, caught the late night bus... it was just us.." he whispered,

"Yeah, I remember.. Arcons I can't beleive how long it took me to realise I loved you.. I mean if I hadn't been so in denial I probably would've asked you out then and there.." I smiled,

"Well we had only just met.."

"Trust me Xingqiu, I've loved you since the day we met." I laughed a little but felt Xingqiu's head lift off of my shoulder, I looked at him confused but the moment I turned my head in his direction I was met by a kiss,

Despite how surprised I was, I quickly melted into it,

I pulled him closer to me, placing one of my hands in his hair,

He returned the gesture by moving his hand to the back of my neck,

When we pulled apart I saw a bright light coming up the road, it was the bus,

We got on and went to the back,

It was getting quite late now and as expected Xingqiu was pretty sleepy, Soon enough I noticed he had fallen asleep on the window,

I pulled him over to me and placed his head on my shoulder, that way he wouldnt get hurt by the bumpy road,

I looked down at the boy sleeping on my shoulder and instantly felt my face heat up, he was so adorable... no, he was so.. stunning.

Soon I felt myself start to drift off too but I knew I had to stay awake so we didn't miss our stop, I looked at my boyfriend again and found myself speaking before I could think,

"I can't wait to marry you Xingqiu.." I whispered,

Suddenly he sat up, looking at me with a light blush painted across his perfect face,

We looked at eachother for a moment in silence, me flustered that he had heard that, and him.. smiling,

He simply smiled at me before laying his head back on my shoulder and whispering back so quietly it was almost inaudible,

"I love you Yun Yun... and I cant wait to marry you either.."

I smiled to myself, calming down instantly, I took his hand in mine and rested my head on his,

"I love you too Xingqiu.. I love you so much..."


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