Fight or flight

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I'm Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog

We went to get new recruits and found some Robin Hood Wanna be we had to stop a robot assault and save his friends before we found yet another secret.

I am Knuckles Guardian of the Master emerald

I was recently in a fight

Knuckles sat on Angel Island thinking as he was upset about past events

" I can't allow Sonic to make a fool out of me " Knuckles as he gets up and starts gliding off.

During a night in Amphibia, right near the Plantars' Residence, it shows food bins and food scattered around from the outside. On top of a big hill, Anne,Sonic,Sally, Bunnie, Soggy Joe, Sprig, and Loggle are hiding behind a rock fence.

 On top of a big hill, Anne,Sonic,Sally, Bunnie, Soggy Joe, Sprig, and Loggle are hiding behind a rock fence

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" Ok we need to catch this food thief or we'll be out of food and will starve " Sally says.

" It's gotta be a critter. With all the destruction of natural resources, the wildlife has been forced to find food from outside the forests." Soggy Joe says

" Say that five times fast, " Sprig says as Sally covers their mouth.

" Quiet, I think I heard something, " Bunnie says as Sally takes out two blades before a current blows, and all of a sudden, the  food bin is sliced open as a mysterious creature eats the food inside.

"Look! There it is!" Soggy  Joe said.

"What is it?" Sprig said.

"Does it matter? Whatever it is, we're taking it down!" Anne said.

"Follow my lead, " Sally says.

They hop out of the fence and engage the creature but he spotted them, and flew off.

"He's getting away!" Sonic said.

"Quick! After it!" Anne said.

Sonic revved his feet taking off at high speeds as everyone else followed, The creature was still in the air, while sonic chased it until they landed in a cave, then  the group arrived in a boulder.

"This must be its lair." Anne said, the creature spits out the food inside the cave, sonic slowly pulls out his sword to engage and so does the group.

"Alright get ready to engage, on three, one."

"Two." Anne said.

The turn reveals a cat-like moth.

"Woah the heck is that?" Sally said

"Well, bless my bowie knife. It's a coastal kill-a-moth!" Soggy Joe said.

Sonic chuckled." Funny, cause that's what a cat kinda looks like."

Then Anne gasped."DOMINO 2!"

"Say what sugar?" Bunnie asked.

"She was my pet here. She is similar to my other cat back home, I haven't seen her since she flew off months ago. What should I do? Should I approach her? Should I say hello? Is that too forward?"

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