Trip down memory lane

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It was a sunny day in Angel Island as the leaves blew around.

Knuckles was resting while watching the Master Emerald and looked at it.

"Everything is set " Knuckles says as it glowed green showing him arrows.

" What the?" Knuckles said and went off following the trail not knowing what it led to.

Meanwhile Sonic , Anne and Tails met up with Sasha in her room.

"Okay, tails ya brought us here, what are you going to tell us?" Sasha asked.

"Well, remember what mother Olm said about, sonic relatives." Tails asked, they all nod.

"Well, I went back to Mobius to find it."

"Wait, why didn't you find it here?" Anne asked.

"Well that's the problem, I've searched for clues about this world, but no luck."  This made Sonic look down sad.

"But, in Mobius I found this." Tails taps his Miles Electric and shows pictures of the Ancient ruin and broken statues on what appeared to be a hedgehog in the forest, The three were amazed.

"I found this place when I arrived there, so maybe this place I arrived at might be a clue."

"Well what are we waiting for to let go." Sonic said, ready for this place in Mobius.

"Well, that's the problem . I didn't get any answer to this place, because Eggman and Andrias robots were here, after I arrived." Tails said.

" They're back, I beat Eggman last I checked " Sonic says, getting a flashback  Sonic found himself on the other side of the energy barrier he ran into earlier. But the doctor was nowhere to be found.

"Come out, Eggman, and take what's coming to you."

Sonic walked into the next room, and the door slammed shut behind him.

There was a red light on the far side of the room, and there were four spots in the room, two on the floor, and two on the ceiling, that seemed off color or something.

"What is this place?"

"This is the Final Zone for you, Sonic! You can't escape unless you destroy my machine, and I intend to kill you first."

"What machine?"

Suddenly, a part of the floor and ceiling moved. He had to quickly dodge, because they were giant pistons. Big enough to crush him if he got careless. One piston was hollow inside, the other had Dr. Robotnik inside, with a smug smirk on his face.

"Darn, I missed this time. How about a different trick?"

As he ascended into the ceiling, the red light shot out balls of electricity. Sonic had to move fast. He effortlessly avoided them, but had to keep moving, because the pistons seemed to randomly activate. Robotnik, just as randomly, would be inside one of the pistons, laughing his head off.

"Nowhere to run, Sonic! If the electricity doesn't get you, my pistons surely will. I hope I'm inside the one that does you in. It's no use! Give up!"

Sonic was getting fed up. As the pistons activated again, the one closest to him had Robotnik inside. He leapt up, curled into a ball, and struck the piston.

"What the...?! Oh, very clever, Sonic. Blasted things have to have one flaw. Still, it'll take more than that to stop my beautiful machine!"

It took some skill, but between bobbing and weaving past the pistons, Sonic managed to give Robotnik a few good smacks.

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