The Fate of the Master Emerald (part 2)

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" Can we trust you Mobian?" Olivia asked

" Yeah how do we know your not a backstabber like the humans " Yunan asked

"  Come on do I look like a backstabber " Amy asked as she spun around and did a innocent pose

" Yeah I'm not falling for that " Yunan says

" It seems like you could use some extra help " Amy says

" She's right we do just keep quiet and don't touch anything " Olivia says to Amy as Amy silently cheered

Amy , Olivia and Yunnan managed to sneak past the guards and entered Marcy's room

" Aw this is a sweet room" Amy says as Yunan took a crossbow as they went underground

" This is amazing I wonder if Sonic has been in a underground Temple, I hope he's okay all alone on a weird planet " Amy says as a mossman came up to her and offered a flower

" Aw thank you , wait, are you chained up, did Andrias do this ?" Amy asked

" Yes he did " Olivia Says

" Sonic will handle him I bet he's on his way " Amy says

They soon approached some shadowfish as Amy looked scared " what are those ?" Amy asked as Yunan shrugged before the trio arrived at a weird area.

" Oh my choas " Amy gasped


Tails was flying Sonic across the aera as Sonic would go back for the others once they landed

" Today's forecast is a sunny sky and a 100% chance of adventure " Sonic says

" Just up ahead " Tails says  and flew to the entrance and landed as Sonic revved his feet and dashed off blowing snow on Tails face as he soon came back with Anne and the planters

" Woah cool temple " Sprig says as they walked around and saw some symbols of emerald

" Those look like the stones from the box " Anne says

" They're chaos emeralds legends says that they were merged into the master emerald " Tails says

" Woah  " Sonic says as they all approached the owl statue as Sonic looked at his map " I've seen this " Sonic says and scrolled around until the place shook as the owl glowed Green and shot a beam scanning them and gave them a compass

" All right " Anne says

" Look at Tails " Sprig says as Tails had something on him as suddenly multiple lights was on Tails " Oh no " Sonic says as Drones arrived

" Run " Hop Pop says as they ran to the door as it was shot down

" Oh no " Anne says

" Hello Anne Boonchuy "  Eggman says as He came in with the Eggmoblile as Kunckles jumped down


The trio arrived in a room as Amy spotted Marcy " Woah " Amy says as she dashed over resembling a pink blur and picked up Marcy and took off the mask as Marcy coughed

" Sashy, Anne ?" Marcy asked as she was out of it as she had nearly died

Yunan grabbed Marcy and slapped her across the face " Wake up , Wake up we don't have much time " Yunan says

" You're Marcy wu from my tarot cards " Amy says showing a card that shows an image of Marcy with a crossbow as Marcy smirked and fell over as Yunan and Amy helped her up.

" Let's get outta here " Amy says as some eyes opened up

Back in Siberia

" Surrender the compass now " Kunckles says as some frobots entered the Cave and aimed lasers at them

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