Robert: You know... I always thought that what I feel for you is very precious because you make me happy. Because I feel time stop every time we're like this, together and with nothing special to do. That alone makes me feel like you're the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. But these last few days made me understand that the strength of what I feel can be measured not only by the good times. I realized how much it hurts me to know that you are suffering. Being so far away and not being able to take care of you was torturing me. If there was some magical way to solve all the problems that plague you, I would certainly use it just to see you happy again.

Andy sighed in love with what he'd said, and then she turned to him and kissed him.

Andy: That's why I love you so much. Because you make me feel safe, loved and make my pain go away. I didn't think it was necessary for you to come from Montana because I wouldn't have much time to devote to you. But since you arrived, I've realized how your presence is more important than I realized. Ryan and my friends at the station are helping me a lot. It would be a lie and unfair for me to say that I feel alone. But with you, everything changed. For the first time I could feel peace.

Robert: You've spent the last few days taking care of your father and the station. Now I want to take care of you a little. I'm sure you must be tense, not sleeping and eating right.

Andy gave a small smile, because that was exactly what had happened in the last few days. Even though she might have time to sleep, she couldn't sleep well. Her meals were just sandwiches, cereal, and canned goods. And as much as her father was already home, she was still tense with everything she would still face with chemotherapy.

Robert: First thing you need to do is relax. So when I was coming to the hotel, I stopped by the mall and bought you a bikini so we can enjoy the hot tub for a while.

Andy: Hmm... I think it's a great way to relax.

Andy kissed him in thanks and went to change.

Soon after they prepared the bathtub. Robert sat down first and Andy sat across from him, resting her body on top of his. He hugged her around the waist and they both wanted to stay like that, just letting their bodies relax as they felt each other's warmth.

Sometimes Robert took the opportunity to give her a massage and also give her a few kisses on her neck and cheek. He didn't want to make that moment into something sensual. That's not why he went to Seattle. He just wanted to be support, comfort and affection for his girlfriend.

They chatted for a while and Andy told Robert her fears about her father's health and also her uncertainties about whether this would be the best time for her to become captain.

After a few minutes, they decided to get out of the tub, and after taking a shower, Robert said:

Robert: You need to get some sleep. Your face shows how tired you are.

Andy: You will only be here for a few hours in Seattle. I don't want to waste our time sleeping.

Robert: Trust me. It won't be a waste of time. I miss having you in my arms while we sleep. So I just want you to rest by my side, okay?

Andy nodded in agreement with him. She really was exhausted and she missed sleeping in his arms.

So, as soon as they got out of the shower, Andy put on one of Robert's blouses and the two of them lay hugging each other. Andy rested her head on Robert's chest and within minutes she was asleep. He was still looking at her and caressing her hair for a few more moments and then he fell asleep too.

It was dusk when Andy woke up. Robert was still sleeping and Andy was still, drawing little hearts with her index finger around his chest. Gradually, he also woke up.

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