"Congratulations, you've earned your place on our team!" the manager sang, taking the uniforms from his colleagues and dropping them into the teens arms "You'll be on joint shifts, so working every shift together... your first rota will be mailed to you by the the end of the week"

"Thank you so much" Mia beamed her perfected fake smile, as billy only nodded a thank you towards them, now shoving the smaller girl out of the room and following her out to to his car "Give me a ride to starcourt?... please?" again he gave no verbal answer only nodded and let himself in, she followed in suit and gripped onto the door for dear life as he drove at least 30 over the speed limit to the huge new mall just on the outskirts of town.
It was just after three by the time she had gotten there, but as they pulled in she instantly caught sight of Eddie stood with Gareth next to his van, both their heads turning as they heard the Camaro roll into the lot. Billy only pulled up next to the van and gave Mia the time to grab her things and compose herself,

"I'll pick you up for our first shift, alright?" He loudly announced, making the metalheads spin and watch,

"Yeah alright, call me when you get your rota?" She smile half heartedly.

"Yeah" He nodded, pulling his sunglasses down as he yet again, sped off. She turned to face the boys, a genuine, loving smile on her face as she held up the uniform,

"I got the job!" she beamed, stalking up to the two, who where only smiling like sheep back at her "You proud of me, Munson?" she mused, her hand ghosting his chest as she walked around him to throw the new clothes into the back, he chuckled and made the most of her bent over position, situating himself behind her, his hands gripping her waist "Oh fuck you!" she laughed with him, smacking his hands away, "Did you get your jobs?" She asked, resting her hands on one of eddies shoulders, leaning on him,

"Yeah... I'm now a honorary member of 'the game player' industries!" Gareth smiled, pulling a name tag out of his jacket pocket,

"That awesome" She nodded, ruffling his birds nest of hair before poking Eddie cheek "Well? Did you get your job?"

Eddie pulled his lips into a tight line and stepped in front of her, grabbing a radio shack bag and emptying it on the ground at her feet, three pairs of grey overalls, a couple polo shirts and a few nametags that needed sewing on caught her eyes, "I got it" he shrugged,

"You don't seem all that happy about it hunny," She grabbed his face, frowning at him,

"You didn't see what i look like in that... that shit!" He grumbled, throwing himself down to pick up everything he dropped and shoving them messily back into the bag. "I look like a fucking idiot"

Mia let out a breath "You wanna see an idiot?" she asked,

"Your looking at one"

"No... no the idiots are inside" She smirked, taking his hand "you coming 'Gareth the great'?" she teased, earning herself a middle finger,

"I got to go home, tell my mom the news... you guys go enjoy idiot hunting though" he smiled, jogging off to his bike and peddling away.
Mia shrugged and gripped Eddies had tighter as she yanked him through the huge crowds to the food court and making a beeline for 'Scoops Ahoy', the amazing ice cream parlour,

"Oh shit..." Eddie chuckled as he saw Robin Buckley, Mia's quiet, band geek friend stood behind the counter, two ice creams in her hands, she had the fakest fake smile on her face and she said some corny line to the women she was serving- though her face quickly dropped as she caught sight, of her recent best friend holding hands with Eddie 'the freak' Munson right before her.

"See I told you we'd find a idiot!" She joked, smiling heavily at the girl behind the counter, her sailors hat falling from her hair,

"Not funny" Robin noted, turning to face the back of the shop "Hey Harrington! Your turn to sling some Ice Cream, I'm taking my break!"

"Steve Harrington?" Eddie whispered, gobsmacked

"Uh-huh...." Mia smirked, watching the door behind the counter fly open as Steve charged through it "Hey Harrington! I see you got the job!"

"Yeah yeah what ever..." He rolled his eyes at her, fixing the hat on his head "Get lost then Buckley, you've got an hour"

"Oh thank you dearest" she joked, pulling Mia's hand out of Eddies, making them both frown at the lack of contact "Munson how about you go do a bit of light shopping?"

He looked at the two, both of them flashing him smiles as he sighed "Fine... I'll meet you back to scoops then?" he shrugged

"Yeah, thanks" they both mused, waving bye and giggling their way around the mall.
by the time the two had gotten to the gap Robin was busting wanting to know what was going on between the couple,

"Ok I cant take it anymore" She stopped walking, pulling Mia back to a bench with her "What's going on between you and Eddie... and Please... please don't lie to me!"

"Robin...." Mia sighed, throwing her head into her hands

"Come on there has to be something! why else would you be walking around holding hands! and-and you are always sleeping over with each other... like always!"

"There's nothing serious, alright? it's just... over the last few months... we've... well we've kissed- made out... uh, gone on like dates? but they weren't labelled as dates-" she took a breath "He's given me loads of like little things... like this bracelet, he made it himself" she smiled, spinning it around her wrist,

"Do you like him?"

"Of course i like him what kind of question is that!"

She sighed "No, like like him, do you want your relationship to go further?"

"O-oh..." A blush slightly crept up her cheeks as she shook her head "I don't know... I-I think?"

"Ok... look at it this way, do you feel how you felt with Jonathan when your with Eddie?"

"Yeah... but like 10 times stronger..."

Robin jumped up and did a little dance "You need to tell him!"

"No... no because what if he doesn't feel the same way?"

"Trust me! Trust me when i say he does!" She pleaded "Try it... please... please... i want you happy again! and-and when ever your with him your so happy!"



Mia groaned and stood to meet the over excited girl, "I'll try... this week ok?"

"Ok... that's amazing! I need constant updates!"

"Yeah fine... now how about you go back to work and I'll go find Ed's" she smiled

"Sure! yes... call me ok?"

"I will dont worry" She laughed, watching the bubbly girl skip back to scoops ahoy and she started her search for the metalhead.

She had looked through every store in the whole mall and there was no sign of Eddie, she was about ready to give up and go wait for him by the van when a pair of muscly, tattooed arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into his chest,

"I've been looking for you Princess, where have you been?" he mumbled in her ear,

"I was looking for you," She whispered back, spinning in his arms to come face to face with him "Are you ready to go?"

"Only if you are..." he smiled,

"Of course" she escaped from his grasp and took a hold of his hand, walking a steady pace out to his van, "You better show me what you got when we get back to your place..." she said, poking the bags in his other hand,

"I intend to..." he replied, throwing them into the back before helping her into the passengers side and making his way home...

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