Heartbreaking Encounter 🚨

Start from the beginning

The first day he arrived at the orphanage, Mrs. Crudele took one look at Peter and was actually excited to have a new kid for once, but not in a good way. From that day forward she would mainly only beat up Peter. She would occasionally hit another kid, but not nearly as bad as she used to. He would ot be overexagerating when he says that she tortures him, but he will take every beating if that ment that the other kids wuld be safe. Peter is now the oldest kid there and he feels like it's his responsibility to keep them all safe.

There have been plenty of time that Peter has contemplated on whether he should turn Mrs. Crudele in as Spiderman since the police won't listen to him as Peter Parker, but it would just be too suspicious. How would a pathetic orphan like him know a superhero such as Spiderman. It just didn't make sense. They would most likely connect the dots and then his secret identity would no longer be so secret.

Peter has tried his very best to keep his identity a secret from the world. He wants to be able to live a normal-ish life and he doesn't want to be experimented on. Which he is so afraid is going to happen now that the Avengers are after him. Plus who would want a pathetic, stupid, unwanted, abusied, orphan like him as a superhero? How can they trust that he will protect civilization when he can't even protect the other kids in the orphanage? They can't. They won't.

If they knew who he truly was then everyone would hate him. The only time Peter ever feels like people actually want him around is when he's Spiderman. And if he gives that up then he might just give up entirely. Spiderman is the only thing that keeps him going anymore.

Peter is currently patrolling the city like he does every night. So far he has stopped there attempted kidnappings, two robberies, and one attempted murder. Tonight has been quite successful. Spider is crouched down on a building overlooking the city as he keeps an eye out for any suspicious activity, when his spidey sense goes off, warning him of the threats circling him. The Avengers. He adjusts his body so that he is in a casual looking position, but he's actually ready to jump off the building at any moment.

Ironman lands directly behind the vigilante with Black Widow and Captain America. Unlike their previous time they decided to split up. Nat and Steve are on either side of the man in front of them boxing him in. Hawkeye is on the opposite building with a knockout arrow aimed at their target. Brue is also hiding nearby incase of a code green and Thor is off-world dealing with an issue on Asgard.

"You already know the drill Spiderman, so why don't you just go ahead and tell us your identity and save us all the trouble of having to fight you." Tony spoke to the man. It was clear that he was annoyed. Could you blame him though? They have been trying to get Spiderman's identity, or really any sort of clue as to who he was, for a month now and they still have nothing.

"If you're that tired of this then why don't you just leave me alone because I'm never going to tell you who I am." Spiderman tells them confidently. Seriously why can't he be like this outside of the mask. Then again that might cause him to get more beating than he already gets.

"I guess we have to do it the hard way again." Spiderman then jumps off the building and starts to swing away, but his webbing gets shot by Hawkeye, causing him to fall. Luckily he was able to shoot another web in time to catch himself before he fell to his death. Ironman shot off into the sky and followed the vigilante for as long as he could, but Spiderman's quite clever, so he eventually lost him once again. Frustrated, the Avengers head back to their tower to discuss a new plan. Peter decided that it would be best if he headed back to the orphanage.

The next day Peter comes back from school 10 minutes late due to Flash, his bully since 2nd grade, and his two buddies beating him up for making him look like a fool in class when Peter answered a question right that Flash had previously gotten wrong. Mrs. Crudele was not happy, well in a way she was, but that's besides the point. SHe decided that she needed to teach Peter a lesson on being late. She dragged him down to the basement a tortured him until he passed out.

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