Chapter 33: Lost

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Team: BLEH

"Wait, so you just forgave them?!"

Gaty was looking at Taco, Lollipop, and Book. All of them shifted awkwardly while Book just nodded yes. She looked wildly at the other two, who weren't looking at her. These 3 had been in a severe argument, and it had gotten to the point where Book had left Taco to die! Now, they just showed up all buddy buddy again. That doesn't make sense! Book would never forgive that easily; she has to have some resentment left right? Wrong. Her face showed nothing but fatigue and tiredness. Gaty had been great friends with all of them at one point, but then Book started acting weirdly, accusing Taco, and even Saw for abandoning. Although they both had their reasons, she had been unreasonable and held a grudge. And now she just forgave them?! Maybe she actually is getting better, no. She probably just wanted to be on better terms with the team, yeah, that's it. She knows that if it was a contestant voting, she would've been out a long time ago. And that nobody exactly was her friend anymore, except Taco. Why was she her friend anyway? Did they make up or something? Whatever, they ended that too. Angry and frustrated, Gaty looked away from them and started walking back to the base, Saw and Ice Cube soon following her. Dora looked at the three then back at the rest of their team.


"Yeah, we'll catch up with you soon."

Dora nodded and took off after them. Taco looked at Book confused. How did she manage to understand her?

"How did you understand her?"

"Well, I managed to look more into Dora, and can now understand her body language! So, yeah, I knew what she was asking."

"Wow, when did you figure this out?"

"I haven't figured it out completely yet, but I did start to realize it after you died."

"Oh, well, that's interesting."

Now it was back to silence again. Lollipop didn't like it.

"Well, are we just going to stand around here or try to get back with our team?"

"Oh! You're right. Let's go guys. Hey, I feel like we're missing somebody..."

"And who on Earth would be abandoning us this time Book?"

"Hey! I'm getting over it!"



"Teardrop! She's the one missing! Guys, when was the last time you saw Teardrop?"

"I don't recall seeing her after we returned, did you see her while we were held up with a certain block Book?"

"Uh- Yeah! She was walking near Ice Cube, and then I walked back with you guys, and I think she was there once you guys walked back."

Book was worried now. Where could she be? Maybe she walked back with the others while she wasn't looking. But she was looking at them the whole time... She started running towards the others, ignoring the calls of Taco and Lollipop. Saw noticed her and alerted the others. Everyone looked at her with curious looks while she tried to catch her breath. Panting, hands on her knees, she asked,

"Have any of you seen Teardrop?"



*Huff, huff*

Flower was breathing heavily, finally reaching her team's boundary. This took longer due to her leg, but she made it. Relieved, she laid down on the hard ground, disregarding the pain growing in her face. She couldn't believe it. Her and Pencil had planned to go to Team Ice Cube's base and explain their missing teammates, but it ended with Pencil dying, and Bomby and Flower heavily injured. Now, she not only had a broken leg, but also no living teammates. This. Was. Great. Thinking more about her situation, she slowly started walking back to her base, following the marks left by her teammates to signal where it was. Soon, she stumbled across a clearing and saw something she wished she didn't see. This was where Snowball and Match were. Both of them were on the floor, Slush and Sap flowing out of their bodies. Snowball had multiple stabs in his body, while Match's body was snapped in half. They weren't the only ones there though. Roboty was smashed greatly, and Cloudy also seemed to be repeatedly stabbed. This wasn't the best scenario to be in, but maybe one of them left a weapon. She remembered Snowball and Match walking out with at least one weapon. She scouted around the area, but she found nothing. Sighing, she decided to move on and keep following the trail. After a while, she managed to make it to her base, and rested on the couch. She could finally, relax. This was a feeling she hadn't feel in a while. Not as heavily as the one right now. She looked around the empty and big base. Now, she was all alone. Nobody was going to watch her back, and she had to fend for herself. She didn't like the thought, but she had to think about it. Now that she was all alone, she needed to get food, defend, and attack all by herself. This wasn't going to be easy.


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