*Chapter 32: Teamwork!

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Team: Ice Cube!

"Ow! I didn't know this would hurt that much..."

"You should've stayed home y'know; I can go get the spear."

"Maybe, but you don't know what it looks like!"

"I think I'll find it without knowing what it looks like."

Bomby and Naily were walking back to the spot where Bomby had taken a serious injury and were going back to find the spear left by Pencil and Flower. Naily was getting worried, as they got even slower than when they started, if only Bomby trusted Naily enough to get the spear! She gave him an annoyed look, but he didn't notice, instead pointed in front of them. There was the spear, and Naily rushed to grab it. She managed to, and hopped over to Bomby, giving him it. They soon headed back, and the sun was setting as they heard a rustle. They could see the base, but it was also a good walk until they made it. He gripped the spear and waved it around defensively. They heard a suspenseful sound and saw something appear in front of them. Naily's jaw dropped. Bracelety! How, how did this happen? What happened to her? Why does she look so... Dead? Just like Gelatin did, except she seemed more bruised. She knew that Bracelety had already been infected, but this still stunned her. This... seemed familiar. She abruptly got a headache and winced. Bomby noticed this and lowered his spear. This was a mistake though, as Bracelety leapt onto him as soon as he did.

"Ah Sh-"

"I remember!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Everything! I remember the night! How Bracelety turned out like this. Bomby, don't let her bite you!"

"I wouldn't let her bite me even before you told me that!" 

"Gelatin was right! Everybody was wrong! Woody suddenly-"

"Not right now Naily! I need help taking care of a certain bracelet."

"Right! Let me just..."

She turned around and jabbed herself into Bracelety. She screeched loudly and turned around to face Naily. There was a tear now in her body, and it looked like she was about to fall apart. Bomby was about to continue the tear when he saw that it disappeared just like that! This made him take the situation more seriously and thrusted the spear into Bracelety's side. She screeched loudly again and attacked Naily. She reacted with swift kicks to her face and was met with a bite on her leg.

"No! Dang it!"

"Oh my gosh! Naily! Are you ok?"

"Do I LOOK ok Bomby?! I can't believe I screwed up like this!"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to disinfect-"

"You don't understand! I'm going to become like them!"

"What are you talking about-"

He cut off his sentence. He was so stupid! How did he not realize what she was talking about sooner? He felt the horror catching up with him, and tears rolling down his face. He let this happen. If he acted more carefully, she would be ok and Bracelety would be gone. He turned to face her. Bracelety's face had a successful look, and Bomby couldn't stand it. He gritted his teeth and rushed towards her. He grabbed her body and started pulling on her. She yelled and scratched him with her hands, but he didn't feel it. He just focused on ripping her apart. His efforts were worth something, as a gash was visible on her. Bracelety noticed this too and started panicking. She tried teleporting out but couldn't travel far due to her condition. Due to this, Bomby could easily rush towards her and continue tearing her. Eventually, Bracelety just stopped teleporting and stopped moving. Confused, he stopped holding her, but this was a mistake. She grabbed onto his arm and was about to bite. No! I can't get out now! Not with Naily- 


"Heh, you thought I was gone, didn't you?"



Bracelety let go out of shock and Bomby quickly grabbed her. He managed to finish ripping her, and Bracelety soon was just a ripped object on the floor. They both looked at the body, and could see the red fading, returning back to its cyan color. While it was fading, they saw a red puff of smoke come out, and fade into the sky. All that remained was a still Bracelety, and two team members. They both looked at each other for a long time and looked away. Naily started walking back and Bomby soon followed. Awkwardly, Naily asked,

"Well, I'm sure glad that you came along now."

"Yeah, you would never be here without me!"

"Heh, yeah, thank you for, well, everything!"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on! You're the reason I'm here! You were the only person who comforted me while everybody was too worried! You even helped and protected me multiple times! Like just now! I really can't imagine how I'd be without you here."

"Oh, wow..."

Bomby looked away blushing. Those words meant a lot to him, embarrassed that Naily thought of him like that. He looked back and saw that she had a sympathetic smile on her face. He only looked at her, then back in front of him. Gosh, did I always feel this happy at compliments?


David and???

Y'know, maybe this was a bad idea....

David was hanging in a tree by his feet, stuck in a trap. He forgot that he laid one here, and now couldn't get out of it. He tried pulling himself up, but failed. Sighing, he just dangled, hoping somebody would come and let him down. He looked up at the sky. The Sun was right in the middle, meaning that it was noon. Groaning, he tried stretching, and heard a sawing sound. He didn't see who was cutting it, but he could see a hand using a knife to cut the rope. He was about to thank them when he saw that below him was hard ground, and he suddenly regretted hoping for somebody to come. He was about to yell when he felt himself be unattached.


"I gotcha!"

Whew, that was close. He pulled David up, and greeted him. David had a look of surprise, but soon shook his hand. Due to his lack of language, David nodded thank you, and he said,

"No problem dude! Hey, I have an idea. We should form an alliance! You and me pal, I believe we can do it!"

David was quiet for a minute. Although this seemed a good idea, he wondered. Didn't he have another teammate? Did they die? Is that why he's asking me? Plus, he would probably betray him later. He and David weren't exactly close, so why on Goiky was he asking HIM out of all people for one? He could sense David's questioning, and answered.

"I bet you're wondering, 'Why does he want me?' Well, it's because I know you're the only guy on your team, and I'm the only one of mine! So, we should stick together, doesn't that make sense?"

David's confusion soon cleared, and he vigorously nodded his head. Smiling, he grabbed his hand, and raised it.

"Great! From now on, we'll work together! There's nothing we can't do when we're collaborating!"


Author's Note: Yep, I am NOT going to tell you who helped David. Instead, I want you guys to tell me who it is. Whoever guesses it, I will do a shoutout to them in the next chapter. Thank you for reading!

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