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At opening his shoe rack, hiroki finds it filled with old foot-wears. To get rid of them, he chooses the nearby hill at the back of his house where no one can complaint against him. But by the time he reaches at the top, it went dark so without much looking around, he emptied his bag at some random place and started coming down. He was walking on the slope when he sensed some footsteps behind him. He turned back but sees no one there except his own shadow. To stop himself from thinking about unnecessary things, he started smoking a cigarette. He was just about to reach his house when an old lady passes by him by saying that he shouldn't smoke near a pregnant woman. Saying this, that old lady took the next turn but Hiroki's heart skips a beat when he finds no trace of any pregnant woman behind him. He quickly went back to his house and locked it from inside. Like any other day Hiroki went to his work. At the closing time,  He feels the need to use the toilet. In the hallway, he met with his senior who very rudely tells him off to first clean his shoes before coming out of the washroom as he is making wet footprints in the entire hallway. But at checking his shoes, he finds them all dry. Two- three days after, Hiroki hears a knock on his door. He opens his door and finds his new neighbor with some sweets in her hands. Neighbor, "I am your new neighbor and we just shifted last week. Here are some sweets. Ohh, also these are our son's some old toys which come handy after the childbirth." Hiroki says while being confused, "But I'm not expecting any child." Neighbor before closing the door, "Why are you lying ? your pregnant wife is standing just behind you whose umm black hair all over her face." and now he doesn't want to turn around.


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