Romantic Lover

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He places the food on the table and says that "darling, it's dinner time. I made it just like how you cook for me. You always forgot to add salt to this dish. " Alongside with this line, there is a pain which results in a tear rolls down his face. "now, I can't eat more." He touches the photo frame and kisses it with all his love. after entering his room, he touches a glass box with a devilish smile on his creepy face, " I'm sorry, but I have no other option other than this to keep you by my side. Even in the dark, you are beautiful with your pale skin and lifeless body. ( with teary eyes )  It was all your fault for saying that you want to leave me. If you have never said it to me, I would never have to pull your eyes out and sew your mouth. But I still love you and love only you, my whole life. And he embraces her cold and stiff body. 


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