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Dolphiana has struggled with obesity from birth. With these appearance, she becomes a laughingstock wherever she goes. She tried several methods and once again, she was sitting in the waiting area of the hospital. and then, the nurse gives her a signal to go inside the room. A little while later, she came home, she was told that she needed to continue taking the medications in order for the effects to last. Miraculously, the effect of the medicines could be seen clearly on her body within the weeks. the unnecessary fat had stared to reduce. This medicine helped her in getting a good-looking Michael as a boyfriend too. They were spending their days deeply in love. Months passed and Michael learns that his parents have left him a farmhouse as an inheritance. However, this farmhouse was quite far from the main city. and doing up and down on a regular basis was impossible. It leaves them with no choice except to sell it. But first, the house has to be renovated. They both relocate to the farmhouse and begin work on it.

Michael was looking for his car keys one evening when he discovered something weird in his drawer. He takes it and slips it inside his pocket. From the last few days, Dolphiana started to observe some change in her. Whenever they sat for eating, she couldn't stop herself from over-eating. Her hunger has increased five times to her normal appetite. Michael began feeding her meat as according to him meat is the only thing which can easily satisfy her increasing hunger. As her weight grows she feels herself being trapped and suffocating in dark. She didn't see herself as the one consuming the food; rather, the food was slowly eating her from inside. She could hear the painful cries of animals before being served on the table of food but she was helpless in front of her growling stomach. One noon, Dolphiana wakes up due to constant ringing of telephone. She calls for Michael but maybe he was not at the home. The call was from the nurse who inquired as to why she is not coming to hospital to take her pills. She glances at herself, looks puzzled, and mumbles, "then what are these medications that I'm taking regularly." At the same time, she hears the front door being unlocked. she turns around and finds Michael standing at the distance. With fuming in anger, she shouts, "what you did to me, bastard ?" To which Michael responds, "the same thing you did to me... you never told me your dirty secret." He shrugs nonchalantly as he walks to his room and says, "I merely helped in you get back into your former disgusting shape. and suddenly with a loud thud, everything went dark.

Next day, Dolphiana is hungry she opens the fridge containing a freshly chopped off head of Michael. She puts  one of his limps on her plate and walks over to the table. 


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