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After opening my eyes here, the last thing I remember is the face of my mom. I was shouting at her for being sick because now I had to work harder. She was just looking at the floor without saying anything. At that time, I could not even imagine her pain, which she must have been feeling because of my hurtful words. In anger, I came out of the house and that's it. This is all I remember clearly. I have no idea for how long I was unconscious and how many days I have been here. But looking at my long nails and hair, I'm sure that I have been here for more than 5 days. This room is filled with a lot of persons but no one of them speaks my language. which means I'm in a different country and the terrified and frightened look on their faces makes it harder for me to strike any conversion. But one thing which I'm sure of is that I'm kidnapped. I never gave any special interest around me, so I did not know how dangerous this world is. This place looks more like a den than a room. There is no light and no window, just only a door made of some strong material. Light can enter this room only when 'they' came to give us food, more like throw a piece of raw meat. I'm a vegetarian but it doesn't matter when your survival is on the line. Because we get food after every 2 days. We are a total of 20 people are in here. Many people had tried to attack 'Them' in the hope to get out of this dangerous place. But they failed to do much harm with bare hands against 'their' advanced guns and dogs. They would drag the offenders out of this cell and put them before their dreaded and hungry dogs. And in this room we all can only pray that he will die quickly so that we don't have to hear his painful screams. 'they told us that there are some rules, which we all have to follow if we don't want to die before a certain time. I have no idea what kind of is this place, how many floors are here in this building, and why we are here? It is very difficult to think about a solution in this foul smell. Because there are no toilets and no bathroom. For a few days, I can feel something is moving around in my head. Last night, suddenly Robert started scratching his head while screaming in a foreign language, and in a few hours, he had hurt his head so much that his brain started to appear out of his skull. Maybe by the morning 'they' came and took him from here and he never came back but surprisingly we were given food before the completion of two days. Everyone was happy to get food early, but when my eyes met with the man who had brought food, there was disgust in his eyes as if he was looking at some hungry wild animals that can eat even garbage when they are hungry. and I could not stop my vomiting.   At first, I was calm and observing everything in a hope that someone would rescue us one day but the decreasing no. of us over time making me losing my hope. My mom was sick, she should have received the medicines, not the news of my disappearance. "I want to cry in your lap, not on this cold floor. I'm scared that I'm starting to lose that sensation when you would pat my head. I'm afraid that you must be worriedly searching everywhere for me and waiting for my return but I'm sorry mom. I can't come home now. I'm very far from your reach. Because of these changes happening in my body, 'they' are never gonna let me go out of this place. I'm regretting that I have not been able to do anything for you"


Suddenly, a bunch of men in black came into our cell and covered my eyes with a black cloth. When the cloth was removed, my mom was standing in front of me. I hugged her tightly to assure myself that she is real. I was so overwhelmed with happiness that I could not utter a single word. And that was his last sweet dream before going into a deep sleep. and with that 'they' cut open his brain and a last drop of tear kisses the floor.


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