Water Spirit

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Haya and her best friend Alitza were standing near a pond on the backside of their school. Slowly slowly, the sun sets in the west and everything turns black. After losing her mother, haya was standing there to summon a water spirit to grant her a wish. She recites a poem which she used to listen to from her late mother. Nothing major happens except for passing a cold breeze. After failing in the plan, both girls get back home. Suddenly in her sleep, she gets uneasy and smells a foul smell coming into the room. She goes downstairs to find the cause. To her surprise... the lights were not working. The foul smell was more strong here. By torch's limited light, she sees the back of a woman's head sitting on the couch. haya wants it all a game playing by her mind in the dark. Her father was not home that night. Water spirit had granted her wish but with a fault, haya's mother was in the same condition in which she died. She was looking so horrible with her lower jaw missing, half of her brain was visible from the skull and was limping while walking but acting as if she doesn't remember her death. Haya was not expecting a dead body to become alive. Haya's mother calls her daughter name but haya's legs start moving backwards on their own to get away from her.... the woman was taking steps to come close and says that why you have pale colour?? are you afraid of my appearance ?? haya tries to think a way to get out of this situation and slowly-slowly walks towards to the door but as she grabs the handle, it makes a high pitch sound and awares the woman about her plan. Haya throws the torchlight to end the last source of light and disappears into the darkness. While hiding in the closet, she could clearly hear her mother's cracking voice telling her to stop playing games and come out from the hiding. Along with her breath, she wanted to stop the sound of her beating heart. She shuts her eyes very tight and suddenly everything becomes calm. She thinks that it must be all her hallucinations and this can never be a reality. She takes a sigh of relief when coming out of the closet. "If you don't wanna accept me as your mother then I have no choice other than to make you just like me" her mother says while holding a sparkling knife in her hand.

After 2 years;

Haya was staring into the air and we hear the door opening which sends a chill down her spine and she runs towards the corner. The woman brings a tray of food and leaves it there. After the woman leaves, we see Haya take off her white face mask, behind which she was hiding her hideous face.


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